Absorb the knowledge about lymphomas!

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Sometimes they have flu or cold-like symptoms, mononucleosis, and sometimes atopic dermatitis-like symptoms. Late diagnosis reduces the chances of recovery. Lymphomas. Because we are talking about them, they are cancers of the lymphatic (lymphatic) system that can be contracted at any age. It is worth knowing as much as possible about them, and a good opportunity to gain knowledge is the World Lymphoma Knowledge Day, which has been celebrated on September 15 for several years. More than 6000 people suffer from lymphoma each year in Poland.

The human lymphatic (lymphatic) system is a set of cells, tissues and organs that are designed to eliminate foreign microorganisms and cells. The lymphatic system includes: lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils, spleen and bone marrow. The lymphatic system produces, inter alia, white blood cells (lymphocytes) which play a key role in creating and regulating the human immune system. If the lymphocytes fail at the stage of formation or maturation, they turn into a cancer cell that grows in the place where it is located – most often in the lymph nodes. Lymphoma develops.

Lymphomas are malignant neoplasms that can be divided into aggressive ones, i.e. those that develop very quickly and require quick treatment, and chronic ones, i.e. those that develop for years, often asymptomatically. Paradoxically, the acute ones can be cured once and for all, while in the case of chronic lymphomas a complete cure is not possible in most cases. The most common types of lymphoma are diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma, formerly known as Hodgkin’s lymphoma. They occur in the early adult period (20-35 years) or after the age of 50.

Skąd się biorą chłoniaki?

The causes of lymphomas are unknown. It is known that the transformation of a healthy lymphocyte into a cancer cell occurs when a genetic error occurs in the lymphocyte. There are certain risk factors for these diseases. These are: viral infections and chronic bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases, conditions of reduced immunity, previous treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or long contact with toxic substances.


The most common symptoms of lymphomas are enlarged lymph nodes (those located above the diaphragm), cough, and fever. This is why this disease is often confused with a cold or the flu. In colds the lymph nodes are painful and red, in lymphomas – not. The listed symptoms occurring for more than 2 weeks should be consulted with a doctor. A common symptom of lymphomas is itching of the skin, which is mistaken for dermatitis or allergy. Unfortunately, it happens that due to non-specific symptoms, lymphomas are diagnosed at a high stage of the disease.


W chłoniakach możemy wyróżnić 4 stopnie zaawansowania choroby. O I stopniu mówimy wtedy, gdy zajęta jest pojedyncza grupa węzłów chłonnych, o II stopniu, gdy zajęte są dwie lub więcej grup węzłów chłonnych po tej samej stronie przepony. Gdy choroba obejmuje węzły chłonne po obu stronach przepony mówimy o III stopniu zaawansowania, a w momencie zajęcia przez chorobę również szpiku kostnego o IV – najbardziej zaawansowanym – stopniu choroby.

Diagnosis and treatment of lymphomas

Suspicion of the disease is confirmed by histopathological examination of the lymph nodes. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease. In the case of mild disease (I and II degree), 2-3 courses of chemotherapy are used, which can be additionally enhanced with radiation therapy to the affected lymph node. In the case of more advanced disease (stage III and IV), 6-8 courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used. Unfortunately, it happens that patients are resistant to treatment, and 20% of them relapse. Then the solution is a bone marrow transplant. Two methods can be used – autotransplantation and allotransplantation. Bone marrow autotransplantation involves collecting the patient’s own stem cells from the patient, which are then re-administered to the patient after intensive chemotherapy. In this way, 50% of patients can be cured. Allotransplantation is a bone marrow transplant from a foreign donor. Unfortunately, even after bone marrow transplantation, the disease may relapse.

Medical advances and new opportunities

Na szczęście postęp medycyny przynosi nowe nadzieje dla wielu pacjentów leczonych onkologicznie, w tym dla tych, którzy leczą się z powodu chłoniaków. W ostatnich latach zarejestrowano nowoczesną terapię celowaną, która z powodzeniem stosowana jest u chorych z chłoniakiem Hodgkina, u których po raz kolejny doszło do wznowy choroby lub gdy choroba nie odpowiada na wcześniejsze terapie. Tego typu terapie są w Polsce dostępne w ramach bezpłatnych świadczeń zdrowotnych zwanych Programem Lekowym.

The main thing is not to give up!

Lymphomas are diagnosed at any age. It is a difficult moment, patients often do not know how to deal with the disease, with their own emotions, with anger, with fear. They break down thinking that they will die before they realize their plans and dreams. Meanwhile, lymphomas are diseases that can be completely cured. And like many other cancers, they are chronic, not fatal, diseases today. Obviously, the earlier it is detected, the earlier the stage of advancement, the better the prognosis. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is 95% cured. cases, regardless of the stage at diagnosis. In the case of intermediate-stage non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, 40-70% of patients are cured. sick. Certainly, you should not be afraid of the diagnosis and do not delay the visit to the doctor when you notice disturbing symptoms.

World Lymphoma Awareness Day

There are no clear-cut risk groups for lymphoma. That is why it is worth knowing as much as possible about it. World Lymphoma Awareness Day is the perfect time to read more about disease symptoms, diagnostic and therapeutic options. Internet resources are most often used then, which can be a blessing on the one hand and a curse on the other. There are many places on the web that provide false information. In the case of such an important topic as lymphomas, it is worth using proven and reliable information, e.g. collected on the website www.hematoonkologia.pl. In addition to expert knowledge about the disease itself, you can also find patient stories. Knowing that others have overcome their disease can be motivating to fight back.

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