Absinthe Mr. Jekyll (Mr. Jekyll): an overview of taste and types

A bottle of absinthe Mr. Jekyll is adorned with a label depicting a kind gentleman of advanced years, who holds a glass of drink in his hand – this is he, the same Mr. Jekyll. He was paired with a stronger absinthe called Dr. Hyde, where the same gentleman is depicted on the label, but in the bright glare of fireworks.

cocktails with absinthe

History of the brand

At one time, Germany was characterized by the presence of many family businesses, which, with the advent of the second half of the XNUMXth century, were forced to unite in order to survive in the market.

So, in 1969, two companies merged – Pabst, founded in 1898 by Hermann Pabst and Richarz, founded in 1861 by Wilhelm Josef Richarz).

Richarz was known in the 1923th century as a famous producer of absinthe, but in XNUMX the production of the drink was banned in Germany and the company began to manufacture gin, schnapps and liqueurs.

In 1988, JB Berentzen (a family company founded in 1758) joins Pabst & Richarz. This is how the Berentzen Gruppe corporation appeared, which later became one of the leading German alcohol producers.

2008 became a crisis year for the company, which forced it to close the old distillery, which has been operating since 1758.

In order to support the corporation and prevent it from falling apart, the management decided to update the product range. So the production of the famous absinthe returned, which is made, by the way, according to its original technology. Its name is Mr. Jekyll.

Types of absinthe Mr. Jekyll

  1. Mr. Jekyll

    Absinthe is a bright green color, obtained by adding food dyes permitted by the European Union to alcohol. Has a strength of 55%.

    The taste combines anise tones and bright notes of citrus. The incomparable aroma endows with a pleasant interweaving of accents of field herbs and exotic fruits.

    It is recommended to drink the drink in its pure form in small doses or by mixing it with juice. The absinthe producer himself is invited to try the Death Afternoon cocktail, where the ingredients are 20 ml of absinthe, crushed ice and 80 ml of champagne.

  2. Dr. Hyde

    Absinthe emerald green color, the fortress is 70%.

    Herbal tones are pronounced in the taste: wormwood, dill, fresh mint, licorice and others.

    The aroma contains hints of bitter wormwood.

    Absinthe is usually consumed as follows: pour alcohol into a glass and add ice water.

    Next, melt the sugar in a spoon and pour the resulting mixture into a drink, it will gradually solidify in absinthe. And now you can drink everything in one fell swoop and eat sugar.

As you can see, the presented absinthes are special in their own way, but they will appeal not only to gourmets, but also to lovers of the classic version of the drink.

how to drink absinthe

Relevance: 19.05.2018

Tags: Absinthe, Absinthe brands

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