Absinthe Dreams (Dreams): a review of taste and brand in brief

Dreams – Absinthe, which is produced by the Czech company L’or special drinks. It was established in 1994 by Pavel Varga and Jiri Cerny. Entrepreneurs started producing high-quality drinks according to old recipes that Varna collected all over the world. Drinks were to the taste both in their native country – the Czech Republic, and far abroad.

cocktails with absinthe

How absinthe Dreams is made

Dreams absinthe is made according to a slightly improved old French recipe, in addition, maceration technology takes place in the process: the resulting herbal infusion cannot be distilled, it is simply filtered.

This mechanism of production allows you to preserve the rich green color obtained due to the presence of wormwood. The composition of the drink includes purified alcohol, drinking water and extracts of plants such as fennel, anise, mint and others.

Characteristics of absinthe Dreams (Dreams)

The drink is produced in one form. Has a translucent emerald color and a strength of 70%. The taste is mild with a slight hint of licorice and signature bitterness, but not harsh. The pleasant aroma is dominated by anise-spicy tones with a slight honey accent.

Absinthe connoisseurs note that the drink is especially good in cocktails. But you can drink it just like that, adding sugar and ice. The content of thujone in alcohol is low, only 10 ml per 1 liter of drink, so after drinking it, a dreamy mood will not bypass, but it will not come to frightening hallucinations.

Learn how to drink absinthe.

Relevance: 24.05.2018

Tags: Absinthe, Absinthe brands

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