Absinthe Boulevard: alcohol review

Boulevard – premium absinthe. The drink is produced by the well-known Czech company Granette & Starorezna Distilleries, which appeared as a result of the merger of the oldest company Palirna U Zeleneho Stromu and Granette SA. In 2017, the company joined the largest and oldest distillery in the Czech Republic, which has been operating since 1518, — The Green Tree Distillery, as

At the moment, Boulevard is out of production, and the company produces other types of absinthe instead.

cocktails with absinthe

Briefly about absinthe Boulevard

The company has modern equipment created using the latest technologies, which allows the production of up to 120 hectoliters of alcohol annually. Drinks are supplied to more than 000 countries of the world, where they were appreciated by professional tasters.

Boulevard absinthe is based on first-class grain alcohol, provided by authentic production technology. The unique bouquet of the product is formed by a complex of fragrant additives, where the prevailing component is wormwood extract. Also in the composition of the drink are calamus, lemon balm, licorice, coriander, angelica and other herbal ingredients.

Taste and aroma of absinthe Boulevard

Boulevard is an absinthe with a magnificent emerald color and a strength of 70%. The content of thujone in it is minimal – only 10 ml per 1 liter of drink. The bitter taste is soft and with a slight astringency, it combines notes of wormwood, anise, refreshing mint and spicy spices. In the long aftertaste there is an expressive warming effect, manifested by hints of coriander and mint freshness.

Alcohol should be drunk in the classical way, which involves melting a sugar cube and then adding the resulting caramel to the drink. So the sharpness of absinthe will decrease, and the unusual flavor composition will be fully revealed. Boulevard can also be used as a base for a variety of layered and traditional style cocktails.

Learn how to drink absinthe

Relevance: 07.06.2018

Tags: Absinthe, Absinthe brands

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