Abs in 15 minutes a day

There is a very common misconception that the secret to a well-developed abs is to do a huge amount of crunches every day. However, this is not the case.

Having a sculpted abs means reducing your body fat to a level that allows those muscles to show! Are your abs swollen with fat? No amount of body lifting and twisting will help here, since the first thing to do is get rid of the fat.

So how do you do this? In addition to exercise, you will need to start sticking to the principles of clean eating, or at least slightly change your diet in this direction. I always say that my abs are the result of what I eat. It all started, first of all, with proper nutrition.

In addition, we will use the following technique to easily get the embossed press – perhaps even less than what you would normally do. Don’t worry, great abs doesn’t need to be pumped endlessly.

Abs in 15 minutes a day

Hanging leg raises on the bar

I do and recommend doing abs workouts 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes. I rest for 2 days between workouts.

That’s all! It looks like this:

  • The first day includes work with weights. Given the low reps, don’t be afraid to push yourself up a bit. This will help you develop your muscles.

  • Second day provides for the development of the relief by a large number of repetitions without weight (or with light weight). Doing the set to failure will shock your muscles and help you develop beautiful relief.

  • The third day involves doing exercises without load while resting between sets.

Ready to get started? So, let’s pump up six cubes! The workouts are as follows:

Day 1: Abdominal Exercise with Extra Weight

Abs in 15 minutes a day

with burden

3 approach to 15 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

with burden

3 approach to 15 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

with burden

3 approach to 25 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

3 approach to 15 repetitions

2nd day: abdominal exercises with body weight

Abs in 15 minutes a day

3 approach to 25 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

3 approach to 30 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

light burden

3 approach to 25 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

1 approach on 30 repetitions

3rd day: sets with active rest

I like to include exercises such as cycling, twisting and stretching the climber while resting between sets – in at least one of my workouts during the week.

I usually choose 2-3 exercises and do 25 reps in between sets.

Abs in 15 minutes a day

with burden

3 approach to 15 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

1 approach on 25 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

with burden

3 approach to 15 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

1 approach on 25 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

with burden

2 approach to 25 repetitions

Abs in 15 minutes a day

1 approach on 25 minutes.

Abs in 15 minutes a day

3 approach to 15 repetitions

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