About the content of artificial alcohol in beer

It is believed that alcohol is added to Russian beer at the production stage, especially in strong varieties, for example, Baltika 9. In 2009, the chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Yevgeny Bryun confirmed this assumption, which caused indignation among the brewers, who immediately refuted his words. Next, I will tell you whether domestic and foreign manufacturers add ethyl alcohol to beer.

Classical beer is made by yeast fermentation, so the drink initially contains a certain amount of alcohol. Most varieties contain 3,5-5% pure ethyl, the manufacturers indicate the strength and density of beer on the label. There are also stronger types with 8-12% alcohol.

In the smell of strong varieties, there is an alcohol scent, because of it, the myth of adding ethanol to beer appeared. But in practice, this is unprofitable, since the fermentation itself can achieve an alcohol concentration of up to 12% in beer (then the yeast dies).

To get a strong beer, most manufacturers simply increase the length of its fermentation. It makes no sense to pour in expensive pure alcohol, changing the technology, when the yeast can do everything themselves. If you have a beer with a strength of less than 12%, most likely it is brewed in the traditional way.

Adding alcohol to beer is prohibited by the laws of all developed countries, world-famous producers will not do this, they are afraid of being exposed, which will ruin their reputation.

About the content of artificial alcohol in beer
Alcohol is not added to real beer.

Pure alcohol in beer is found only in dubious breweries. True, due to other chemical additives, the product that they offer cannot be beer in principle. But, this is a completely different question.


The statement that all producers add ethyl alcohol to beer is nothing more than a myth, as it is economically unprofitable and can destroy the brand’s reputation. Only dishonest pseudo breweries violate the technology, which use chemicals instead of malt and hops.

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