About the betrayal of loved ones – a case from life

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! This story is about the betrayal of loved ones. That we create our own destiny.

Betrayal of loved ones

Andrei Ivanov from a small Belarusian town was drafted into the army. The summons was not sent as expected – two weeks before the deadline, but three days. I had to get ready feverishly.

One day – to be fired from the factory, where he got a job as a locksmith after school. The second – on a trip to my grandmother, the third – goodbye to the friends in the local bathhouse. And the rest of the time is for Tanechka, a slender blue-eyed girl with whom Andrei began dating back in the eleventh grade.

After work, Andryusha ran to Tanya, quietly waiting for her to do her homework (she was in her first year at a local college). And then until late in the evening they wandered around the city or went to visit someone from mutual acquaintances. Tanya and Andrey’s parents were not against their friendship.

During the send-off, Tanya was already officially called the bride. And in the morning, before going to the collection point, Andrei took the bride to his friend and neighbor Kostya:

– Here, listen to him. While I’m in the army, he is me for you.

The army did not shine for a friend. He studied at the same college as Tatyana, only a year older, so he had a reprieve.

– To the disco, to visit – only with him! – Andrey emphasized. He spoke with Konstantin separately:

– You are my most reliable friend, only you can I trust Tanya. I know that you will not allow yourself or others too much.

Many of Andrey’s older acquaintances did this. “You can’t save a girl from a distance with letters,” said the workers at the factory. “Of course, if a friend is a real one, he will take care not to go to the peasants.”

Rookie Ivanov served in the missile forces. For the first months, Tatiana every two or three days sent long letters with an invariable kiss on the last page. Andrey was happy: he was waiting!

He is me for you!

Konstantin came to Tanya a month after the departure of a friend. New shirt ironed, new jeans. The guy asked how his studies in college were going, what Andryukha wrote, and watched TV in silence for another half hour. And then he hurried and, hastily said goodbye, left.

A week later, he came in again.

– Tanya, who did you return home with yesterday? Who was this, Romka from your group? What did you promise Andryukha and me?

– Are you following me? – the girl was indignant.

– Remember what Andrei said before leaving: for you now I am him. We’re leaving college together tomorrow!

From that day on, Kostya went home with Tanya almost every day. If his classes lasted longer than in Tanya’s group, she dutifully waited for her guide.

Once in college, an emergency happened: a steam heating pipe burst, and the students were released after the first pair. When Konstantin brought Tanya home, none of the elders were in the apartment yet.

– Will you come in? She asked, as usual. The guy did not refuse.

In an empty apartment, they initially felt constrained. Finally, Kostya decided:

– You and I are adults, let’s talk seriously. I know that you slept with Andryukha – he told me before he left for the army. How will you be without a man now? Come on – for this time I will become your man. Actually, you know, I have Masha, we are going to get married …

Shocked by the unexpected proposal, the girl was despondently silent for several minutes. Konstantin put his arm around her shoulders:

– On Saturday, mine are leaving for the dacha, but I will not go. Come!

It all started on Saturday …

On Saturday morning, left alone, Kostya vacuumed the carpet. I bought a small bunch of roses and a bottle of wine. I knew: Tanya likes him, and for a long time, but before, there was always a friend Andrei on the road. Today…

After lunch they rang the doorbell – Tanya was standing on the threshold …

So half a year passed. Tatyana passed to the second year, Andrei Ivanov was awarded the rank of sergeant – there was not so much left before demobilization. Letters from his hometown came less and less, but the thought of betraying loved ones did not visit him.

At first, Kostya did not often perform his “friendly” duty. He had Masha, and it was difficult to be torn between two young ladies. But closer to winter Tatyana began to ask Kostya to come in more often.

She was not given the winter session, she needed help, and Konstantin studied well and knew how to intelligibly interpret difficult learning moments. Until late they pored over the notes, and then went to bed. Tanya’s parents at first did not allow the guy to stay overnight in their apartment. But then they calmed down.

Due to busy evenings, Kostya’s relationship with Masha was gradually upset. She was jealous of Tanya from the very beginning, and then completely refused to date the guy. For several months, Tanya and Kostya tried to hide their close relationships from those around them. But you can’t hide an sewn in a sack.

A friend is sacred

Recently, Andrei received only one small letter in which Tanya dryly described her academic success. And not a word about the fact that his place in bed was taken by another. Soon she stopped writing to Sergeant Ivanov altogether.

Soon Andrei wrote to Kostya that for his successes in combat training he was awarded a leave of absence home for a period of several days. In the evening, Tanya had a difficult conversation at home.

– Andrey comes on leave. And a friend is sacred. There was nothing between us … – said Kostya. And I was getting ready to go home.

And then Tanya flashed:

– What are you? !! Am I a baton, or what? Hold it – pass it on to another! You and I have been living for a year now … – and wept bitterly.

Tatyana’s letter, but not to Onegin …

Late in the evening she wrote a frank letter to Andrey. So, they say, and so, I stopped loving you. We now live with Kostik, we seem to have a family. So I’m sorry.

Ivanov received a letter about the betrayal of loved ones the day before leaving for vacation. At first he was going to give up the trip to his homeland. Then, clenching his teeth, he decided to go.

Towards evening he was in his hometown. I went straight to Kostya. He, seeing his friend, was confused. Fifteen minutes later, slamming the door of Kostya’s apartment, Andrei went to Tatiana …

The guy came to the police himself and in a monotonous voice described everything that had happened to the investigator on duty. And an hour later, an outfit from the military prosecutor’s office arrived at the regional department and, snapping the handcuffs on his wrists, took Sergeant Ivanov away.

The investigator took evidence from Konstantin and Tatiana at the hospital. Kostya was under an IV with a severe concussion, a fracture of the collarbone and two ribs. After a brutal rape, Tanya suffered a miscarriage – she was two months pregnant.

When the investigation was completed, Andrei received 5 years in prison. Leaving the hospital, Tanya and Kostya never met again …

There was no love in this story. At least two.

😉 Share this story about the betrayal of loved ones with your friends in social networks. It is important! Perhaps someone will make fewer mistakes in their life.

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