About the benefits of summer feasts

Summer invites us to friendly meals, during which warm communication is so well combined with gastronomic pleasure … and the benefits of a healthy diet.

Live at your own pace, change everyday habits, discover unfamiliar tastes, receive and treat guests… Summer joys have reached our plates. Summer brings us closer – after all, this is the season of picnics and meals with friends in nature.

Evening gatherings on country terraces, fragrant vegetables on the grill, impromptu neighborly feasts – all these summer rituals are born from our desire to share the joys of the blessed season with those who are pleasant and interesting to us. The only pity is that we are not always able to combine the pleasure of communication with the useful principles of a balanced diet. Yes, and up to the “right” thoughts when we finally meet friends! But if so, perhaps it is worth considering in advance a healthy – and at the same time tasty and varied – treat? To do this, you just need to show a little more creativity and take advantage of some expert advice.

The taste of simple things

In the summer it is nice to cook without haste. To begin with, you should reserve time to go around all the market stalls with pleasure, choosing products according to taste and inspiration, distinguishing their aromas and colors, tasting them and touching them … Summer relaxation of the body and spirit renews our perception, we discover the charm and meaning of the most simple tastes – fruits seem to be filled with the sweetness of the sun, the aromas of spicy herbs become more distinct … Our outlook on life is changing: everything around seems more beautiful, more appetizing, tastier. This unfolding of the senses stimulates culinary creativity – it’s time to invent, combine flavors and share discoveries with friends around the table.

By the way, why not involve children in this creativity? When they grow up and start cooking on their own, the memory of the discoveries made together will become a bright source of culinary inspiration for them. Older children can be invited to guess what spices the dish served on the table is seasoned with – however, this game can also captivate adults. This is another reason to give yourself time to taste, evaluate the treat, instead of swallowing food mechanically during a conversation.

To once again feel the authentic taste of the simplest products, you do not need to strive for the skill level of the chef of a “star” restaurant: even a small, but “author’s” change in the recipe for ordinary salads and appetizers will help us unlock new potential in them and still unexplored pleasure.

Our experts

  • Vladimir Spirichev, biologist, specialist in vitamins and minerals
  • Tatyana Grankova, Gastroenterologist

barbecue rules

In the summer, it’s hard to do without a barbecue … yes, in general, it’s not required. One has only to remember the basic principles of optimal cooking on the grill.

For example, do not bake them to a crisp (this degree of roasting irritates the stomach lining and deprives the protein of nutritional value, turning it into “empty calories”). Or choose lean meats, avoiding pork, which has a lot of hidden fat in the fiber itself, and lamb, which is hard to digest, if possible. It is best to give preference to veal, chicken or fish … and resist the temptation to fry ready-made sausages and sausages!

The coals on which the barbecue will be cooked deserve special attention. Those sold in stores may release potentially carcinogenic substances. Therefore, it is worth preparing real coals from firewood – the smoke from which can be very fragrant! – so that later you can enjoy more environmentally friendly, aromatic meat. You can accompany it with a moderate amount of light dry wine, remembering to alternate it with table mineral water to avoid excesses and dehydration.

About it

“What vitamins can do” Vladimir Spirichev A variety of vitamins and their properties, ways to obtain them and our needs for them … A comprehensive guide from one of the developers of domestic fortified food products, a long-term head of the Laboratory of Vitamins and Minerals of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (AST-Press, 2011) .

Summer “superfoods”

Of course, there are no magic, “absolutely correct” foods, the only secret of a balanced diet is in its diversity. But some of them can have a protective effect on our body. Fresh fruits and vegetables, wild berries and young herbs contain not only vitamins, but also a host of other biologically active substances. For example, bioflavonoids, which, in particular, reduce the level of lipids in the blood, or pectins, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to eat vegetables raw and, if possible, not chop too much, and if cooked, then in a minimum amount of water and not for long. Store vegetables, fruits and herbs in a cool and dark place: for example, at a temperature of + 4 ° C, spinach and parsley lose only 8% of the ascorbic acid contained in them in two days, while at room temperature – 80%. And the sun’s rays can destroy vitamin C in just a few hours. Here are products that meet at least three of the following criteria: affordable price; an abundance of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber; increased content of antioxidants and other nutrients; low calorie; the ability to protect against certain diseases (especially cardiovascular).


1. Tomatoes. They should be included in your menu at least twice a week. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant substance that neutralizes free radicals and slows down skin aging. Most useful properties in fresh fruits grown in the open field … and not on the other side of the globe (long-term storage and transportation destroy vitamins). The best choice is seasonal tomatoes, which have a distinctly sweet smell.

2. Cabbage. Young and crispy, this is a special summer treat. Plain or colored, broccoli or redhead – regardless of the variety, it contains a lot of vitamin C, which is necessary for the health of blood vessels and bone tissue, for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Cabbage should be consumed five times a week, preferably raw, but it can also be steamed or cooked in a wok. But when cooked, it loses most of the vitamins. But if you have problems with digestion, you need to be careful about it: start “tasting” with small amounts.

3. Red, blue and black berries. Raspberries, cherries, red and black currants, blackberries, blueberries – all these berries are rich in polyphenols, vitamin C, fiber and minerals. In addition, they contain a lot of antioxidants that improve skin condition and slow down its aging.

4. Oily fish. This is mainly sea fish that lives in cold water: for example, catfish, mackerel, salmon, mackerel, sardines. All of these species are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect us from cardiovascular disease and are essential for healthy skin. And besides, these polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the level of lipids in the blood and inhibit inflammation. Steam or bake the fish – in the oven or on the grill.

5. Rapeseed and linseed These oils are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and if you add one or two tablespoons of them every day to a salad, they will help restore our body’s natural balance with omega-6 acids, which we get in excess in fast food and convenience foods. These oils have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and contain polyphenols and vitamin E.

6. Greens. Dill, parsley, basil contain more vitamin C than lemons and oranges, and a lot of folic acid. To get the most out of greens, it is better to eat them straight from the garden: 2-3 days of storage, vitamin C is almost completely destroyed in them.

7. pulse. Green peas, beans, lentils are good in cold and warm salads. They are rich in fiber, due to which they slow down the flow of sugar into the blood and do not cause a jump in insulin, which contributes to the deposition of fat “in reserve”. They are also inexpensive and nutritious.

8. Garnet. This fruit protects against free radicals: its beneficial effect is due to the content of polyphenols and isoflavones. You can make pomegranate juice or put its seeds in sweet dishes. And to summer salads and meat, he adds an exquisitely subtle sour touch.

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