How to tell a child about the world of wildlife? It can be difficult for us to find the right words, to choose the right images for ourselves. To help parents – a new book by two mothers: psychologist Larisa Surkova and journalist Olga Tolkacheva. We publish a chapter from it.
The girl Dunya and the cat Kisel, the heroes of therapeutic fairy tales by Larisa Surkova, who have already fallen in love with young readers, are back with new amazing stories. This time they will go to the stable to meet different animals and learn how to communicate with them. The book “Psychology of the world around: Dunya and the cat Kissel in the stable” promises children and their parents many incredible discoveries.
Together with Dunya and Kisel, your child will learn interesting facts about a variety of animals from the family farm: each of its inhabitants is unique and has unique features, behavioral traits and character. Horses, sheep, rabbits and even a small sensitive pig – these and other animals will tell about themselves and their daily habits on the pages of the book.
And if the child has any questions, Dunya and the cat Kissel will always come to the rescue and willingly help him deal with them. After all, for the heroes themselves, a trip to the stable will be a novelty.
The educational stories collected in the book with bright and colorful illustrations not only give the little reader knowledge, but also develop imagination, sense of humor, empathy and curiosity. That is, those features that a person needs in order to build harmonious relationships with others and with himself.
Kisel’s first journey
Chapter from the book by Larisa Surkova and Olga Tolkacheva “Psychology of the world around: Dunya and the cat Kissel at the stable” (AST, 2021)
And then Saturday came. And this means that Dunya should not go to school. Kisel was a smart cat, so he quickly learned the days of the week. He knew when people ran to work and school and when they stayed at home.
“There’s nothing else for them to do!” Run to your job!
Kissel from the very morning was spinning under everyone’s feet, attracting attention to itself. He was stroked seven times (he counted!) and even fed twice by mistake. And finally Dunya woke up. She had breakfast and, having patted Kissel by the ear, began to gather somewhere.
– Are you going somewhere else? Kissel snorted. – Well, why don’t you sit at home, Dunya? I would lay down on a warm battery and lay all day. Do you want me to show you the warmest in the house?
– Oh, Kissel! Well, how funny are you! If I lie on the battery all day, I won’t have time to do a lot of interesting things! Dunya answered.
– Say it too! What could be more interesting than me – the most beautiful and smartest cat Kisel? Kisel turned up his pink nose.
– Kiselechek! I love you very much, and you really are the most beautiful and smartest cat in the world, – Dunya knew that Kisel was very fond of praise, – but I have a lot to do at the stable …
– Where-ee? A horse … a stable – what is it?
“I haven’t told you about her yet!” My parents have long dreamed of a family business that will be connected with animals. Finally those dreams have come true! Now we have a stable and a small farm attached to it. There are horses, sheep, chickens, geese and even a small pig! And all these animals need to be taken care of, so I go there on my day off…
“Although she could lie on a warm radiator and talk to me!” Kisel meowed.
He was very offended that Dunya had exchanged him for some horses and sheep! And it was even more offensive to him because he knew nothing about these animals and had never seen them! Suddenly they are prettier and fluffier than him, so Dunya goes to them!
– No, it can’t be! Who can compare with me – the amazing and unique cat Kisel! – Kissel drove away bad thoughts from himself.
But Dunya knew the secrets of cat behavior and noticed that Kisel was nervous: he was waving his tail as if he wanted to take off. And then Dunya had an idea:
– Kissel! So that you don’t get bored at home alone today, I can take you to the stable with me! I will tell and show everything! I’ll take you on a tour! Yes, it will be great! After all, I have long dreamed of becoming a guide, and at the same time I will practice on you!
– Dunya, if you have hiccups, then drink some water. Ek yes ek!
– You’re funny! I don’t hiccup, I say “excursion”. This is when you come to an unfamiliar place and everything is told and shown to you. And you behave yourself well at the same time, you don’t run, you don’t hiss, you don’t snort, you don’t interrupt, you don’t repeat every five minutes that you are the most beautiful cat in the world, but you listen to the guide and sometimes ask questions if something is not clear to you.
“What a complicated business this excursion is,” Kissel hesitated. But he so wanted to be with Dunya that he nevertheless agreed. – When are we leaving?
Larisa Surkova – psychologist, coach, author of books on child and family psychology, head of the multidisciplinary development center “How cool!”, mother of six children. Her
Olga Tolkacheva – Journalist, editor, mother of 2 children who are very fond of fairy tales.