Not a day goes by without new details about the coronavirus. Unfortunately, bad news prevails over good news. The Healthy Food Near Me editorial staff will tell you what happened to the world over the past day.
What’s going on with our world? According to a WHO report, only on March 16, the number of infected people increased by 13 903 people. Despite all the precautions that people try to follow, the virus is spreading. Public transport, crowded places, any contact with others – these are our main enemies.
In China, where the pandemic began, the situation seems to be improving. On March 16, only 29 people were infected in the country. However, the epidemic is actively spreading in the European part of the world.
The total number of COVID-19 cases across the planet turned out to be higher than in the Middle Kingdom itself: 86 434 versus 81 077.
Most of the infected are in Italy – 24 people and almost 747 deaths. Iran ranks third on the list with 2 infected.
According to the latest data, doctors may increase the period of isolation of patients after treatment. It turned out that a person is able to infect others even after 14 days of quarantine. For the safety of society, the authorities began to cancel major mass events in their countries, as well as to close bars, cafes, cinemas and lecture halls.
Many Russian and foreign stars have already begun to lock themselves in their homes. On social networks, they actively encourage subscribers to think about the safety of their health, as well as minimize their time on the street.