Abdominal ultrasound – indications, course, preparation. Abdominal ultrasound in children

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Abdominal ultrasound is a test that each of us should enter on the list of tests performed periodically. This examination is non-invasive and helps to diagnose abnormalities in the functioning of the abdominal organs in a timely manner. Do you suffer from chronic abdominal pain or diarrhea? Do you feel disturbing symptoms of digestive system functioning or suddenly lose weight? You should do an abdominal ultrasound as soon as possible.

What is an abdominal ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination (USG) of the abdominal cavity shows the structure of those internal organs of the body that are within the range of the waves emitted by the probe applied to the skin surface. What does this mean in practice? The head that is part of the ultrasound scanner, when applied to the abdominal skin, allows you to display the internal organs under the abdominal wall on the screen.

X-rays are not used for ultrasound (as is the case, for example, in the case of an X-ray of the abdominal cavity). Abdominal ultrasound is performed in real time and it is possible to detect any abnormalities during it. This is not the case X-ray examinations, where the interpretation of the image is possible only after the X-ray is performed.

Ultrasound apparatus it is made of a console with a screen on which the abdominal organs will be visualized during the examination. Connected to the console is the head, which is placed directly on the patient’s skin by the doctor. The head emits high-frequency sound waves which are reflected from the abdominal organs and then returned to the head.

So you can say that the probe “listens” for echoes that return to it after emitting sounds. Thanks to the measurement of return waves, it is possible to assess the distance at which the organ is located, its size, shape, cohesiveness (whether it is a hard, fluid-filled organ, etc.). The resulting ultrasound image is immediately visible on the screen.

Abdominal ultrasound in pregnancy

The ultrasound examination in the first trimester of pregnancy is aimed at determining, inter alia, the number of pregnancy follicles and amniotic cells in the uterine cavity. It also helps to determine if your baby’s heart is working properly. During the ultrasound examination in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to check the structure of the baby’s skull and its contents. Moreover, the structure of the walls of the abdominal wall, stomach, bladder and spine can also be examined.

Ultrasound examination in the second or third trimester is not necessary, but in some cases the doctor may order it. Both in the second or third trimester, and in the first trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound examinations make it possible to determine the number of fetuses and their arrangement. During the test, the doctor looks at the size of the baby’s head, the circumference of the abdomen, the length of the femur, and the baby’s weight. Moreover, the location and structure of the placenta, the condition of the umbilical cord and the amount of amniotic fluid are also assessed.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity of a child

It can be diagnostic or screening. Thanks to the examination, it is possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage – it is worth knowing that in the case of young children, many abdominal malformations do not give any obvious symptoms. Early detection of pathology enables quick initiation of treatment and reduces the risk of complications.

Abdominal ultrasound examination in a child should be performed immediately when disturbing symptoms of digestive or urinary system diseases appear – the child should be examined already when he has frequent colic attacks, regardless of what he eats. An older child who often has abdominal pain combined with diarrhea, fever and constipation should also be referred for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

Before starting the examination, the child’s parent should inform the doctor what medications the child is taking. Children up to 10 years of age do not need to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. In turn, children over the age of 10 on the day preceding the examination should not drink gas drinks, fresh vegetables, fruit, bran, groats, whipped cream and fresh bread. Moreover, they should also be fasting 6 hours before the test.

Indications for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity

In the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is assessed structure of the gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, liver, abdominal aorta and other vessels in the abdominal cavity. In addition to assessing their structure and size, the doctor conducting the examination looks for possible abnormalities, including tumors, neoplasms and cysts.

By performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity can be established the cause of abdominal paingas, abnormal liver function or enlargement of internal organs detected during palpation by a doctor.

The accuracy of the test, combined with the experience of the doctor who performs it, allows for quick detection diagnosis of kidney stones and gallbladder, aortic aneurysm, appendicitis, hydronephrosis and spleen enlargement.

The Doppler examination, which is often a supplement to the abdominal ultrasound, shows:

  1. the presence of an obstruction to the blood flow (e.g., a blood clot);
  2. narrowing of the vessel lumen (which may be due to the presence of atherosclerotic plaque);
  3. tumor and congenital abnormalities.

How to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound examination?

You should be very well prepared to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Otherwise, even the best doctor will not be able to perform the examination properly. For the doctor, they are the most problematic accumulated gases in the intestines. Therefore, they should be prevented prior to testing. A few hours before the examination, it is worth using agents available at the pharmacy to remove gases accumulated in the digestive tract.

On the day of the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, it is best to wear comfortable and loose clothes that will not restrict your movements. Before starting the ultrasound, your doctor will certainly ask you to remove or pull your clothes up to expose the area being examined. It may also be necessary to remove any jewelry (such as a navel ring).

If, in the two days preceding the ultrasound examination, we have had an ultrasound examination imaging examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract when using a contrast medium, inform your doctor. The barite from the contrast agent used may still be in the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it difficult or impossible to visualize the internal organs properly.

Detailed preparation depends on the type of abdominal ultrasound performed. In case of Liver ultrasound, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas, your doctor may recommend the day before the examination following a low-fat dietand even weaning any food 8 to 12 hours before an abdominal ultrasound scan.

In turn, in the case of Kidney ultrasound, one hour before the test, we may be asked to drink 4 to 6 glasses of fluid to fill the bladder. We may also need to refrain from eating food for 8 to 12 hours before having an ultrasound.

Are you thinking about performing an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity? Talk to your doctor first. Make an e-consultation with a specialist on the haloDoctor platform.

The course of ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity

In the case of an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, the doctor will ask you to lie on your back on the couch. Subsequently, a special gel will be applied to the probe, which is necessary for better transmission and reception of waves. During an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, your doctor may ask you to reposition or hold your breath for a moment.

The doctor will move the probe in different directions to examine individual organs. You may feel discomfort or even pain when you press the head against the skin to get a more accurate image. An abdominal ultrasound usually lasts no longer than 30 minutes. After this time, we will be able to get dressed, and the doctor will ask us to wait in the corridor description of the ultrasound examination.

Abdominal ultrasound images should always be analyzed based on the medical history and palpation. If the patient comes for a checkup, the doctor should assess the dynamics of the changes taking place based on the previous results of the ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

Do you vomit often? Do you feel a tumor in your abdomen? Make an appointment for an abdominal ultrasound via Medonet Market today.

Is an ultrasound scan during pregnancy harmful to the mother and baby?

Ultrasound examination during pregnancy enables constant monitoring of the child’s health. Thanks to ultrasound, the diagnostic possibilities increased significantly and X-ray examinations were discontinued in pregnant women. It is worth knowing, however, that this is a young method that was not used until the 80s. There are still no studies that would unequivocally state that it is completely safe for both mothers and unborn babies.

First of all, the abuse of ultrasound can be harmful – for example, in the USA, the Food and Drug Administration deemed it illegal to take commemorative ultrasound images. The test should be performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in some cases also in the second or third trimester. The Polish Gynecological Society has agreed to perform three ultrasound examinations – in the 11-14th week of pregnancy, in the 20th week of pregnancy and in the 30th week of pregnancy.

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