Abdominal pain in pregnancy

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Abdominal pain during pregnancy is most often associated with physiological changes taking place in the woman’s body at that time. Breasts enlarging under the influence of hormones can be painful, the growing belly puts additional strain on the spine and can cause back pain.

What are stomachaches in pregnancy

Pains in pregnancy, and above all abdominal pain, may sometimes herald problems with maintaining a pregnancy. The abdominal pain experienced in the subsequent stages of pregnancy vary in severity and are often disturbing, but usually indicate a normal physiological response to changes in the woman’s body. Cramping pains in the lower abdomen, combined with bleeding, suggest a miscarriage, if they occur by the end of the 22nd week of pregnancy. After this time, and until the 37th week of pregnancy, cramp-like abdominal pain may indicate premature contraction. Such a condition may result in premature birth and the birth of a child with a low body weight, immature and not fully adapted to life outside the mother’s abdomen.

A pregnant woman should go to the hospital as soon as possible, where the gynecologist will assess the possibilities of stopping labor with drugs, and if the delivery is advanced, she will be provided with appropriate care by the midwife.

Non-pregnancy causes of abdominal pain

Pregnant women with abdominal pain generally associate it with a blessed state. However, it should be remembered that even during pregnancy, ordinary ailments may appear. Abdominal pain in pregnancy also causes typical acute abdominal diseases such as:

  1. acute appendicitis or pancreatitis (severe pain in the abdomen is usually on the right side, and there is also a high temperature and general malaise. The pain becomes more and more troublesome hour by hour and hospitalization is necessary)
  2. bowel obstruction
  3. acute pyelonephritis
  4. acute inflammation and cholelithiasis
  5. nephrolithiasis and accompanying “colic” (the cause of renal colic are stones in the urinary system. The pain is very strong, sometimes difficult to bear and requires unblocking the urinary tract. In this case, the woman should go to the hospital immediately)
  6. hepatic stones,

The location of the pain itself, however, is often atypical as the enlarging uterus changes the anatomical relationship in the abdominal cavity. Pregnant women experiencing disturbing abdominal pain should not delay the visit to the doctor. However, most pains during pregnancy are alleviated and do not pose a risk to the mother and baby.

Cramps after orgasm

Contractions of pregnant women, both during and after orgasm, are natural and do not harm a normal pregnancy. They appear as a result of increased blood flow to the pelvic area or contractions of the uterus during orgasm. Only high-risk pregnant women require consultation with a doctor.

Stomachache in pregnancy – first trimester

Abdominal pain that occurs at the beginning of pregnancy is related to the changes that occur in a woman’s body. It begins to switch to a completely different function than before. An embryo is implanted in the uterus and it begins to grow intensively – at the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, it is about 4 mm, and a week later it may reach a size of 12 mm. Such a rapid growth of the embryo causes the wall of the uterus and the abdomen to enlarge in order to make room for the bed and the amniotic sac, which are the “home” of the baby. It is impossible for such changes to go completely unnoticed.

Early in pregnancy hormone levels also increasecausing more blood to flow into a woman’s genital tract, making them swollen and more tender. For this reason, at the beginning of pregnancy, women complain of abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness – symptoms similar to those occurring before the menstrual period. Women may feel a pulling in the groin as the uterus stretches and the ligaments hold it. Over time, the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which is often the cause of pain in the lower abdomen.

It often occurs in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy urinary infectionwhich causes pressure in the pelvic area. A symptom that indicates that something disturbing is happening is a change in the smell and color of the urine. This problem should not be ignored as it can pose a risk to both mother and baby.

Gastric problems during pregnancy is actually the most common cause of pain. They accompany women throughout their pregnancy. Gas and gas during pregnancy are caused by the increased amount of progesterone in the body that relaxes the digestive tract. Then the entire digestive process slows down, leading not only to bloating but also to constipation. For this reason, cramps and pains in the abdomen may be felt. To ease symptoms somewhat, drink plenty of food and eat high-fiber foods.

Important! Women should remember that in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is highest. Therefore, you should not ignore lower abdominal pains, even if they are not particularly troublesome. If you feel anxious – see your doctor. On the other hand, the appearance of painful and regular contractions suggests that something serious is going on in the pregnant woman’s body, so she should be under the care of a doctor as soon as possible.

When should you see a doctor?

– the pains get worse,

– have chocolate-colored bleeding or spotting.

Severe stomach pain and bleeding can also mean ectopic pregnancy. The egg then implies outside the uterine cavity, e.g. in the ovary or fallopian tube. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy generally appear at 6-7 weeks of gestation. one week after fertilization. Immediate medical attention is needed.

Abdominal pain in pregnancy – second trimester

At a later stage of pregnancy, after all organs have been shaped, their further development takes place. The child grows very quickly and changes every day, hour by hour. In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby is about 30 cm and weighs about 800 grams. The woman may still feel pain in the lower abdomen due to the stretching of the uterus. Periodically, there may be severe pain in the lower abdomen and groin.

Around 20 weeks of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel her baby move. At first, they are like contractions, and it is not uncommon for women to panic until they realize that their baby is squirming. In addition, in the second half of pregnancy, the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions that prepare a pregnant woman for childbirth – they are not painful, although they can be felt. They are sometimes accompanied by pain in the back and malaise.

Although a woman may feel safer in the second trimester (in terms of miscarriage) than in the first trimester, dangerous complications may appear at this stage as well. You should see your doctor immediately if:

  1. you notice blood or brown spots on your underwear,
  2. you feel severe pain
  3. the pain is accompanied by a hardening of the abdomen.

Abdominal pain at the end of pregnancy

At the beginning of the third trimester, the baby continues to grow rapidly, which at the same time causes the uterus to put great pressure on the surrounding organs. In addition, the toddler begins to become stronger and more mobile because he has a lot less space than at the beginning. After the 36th week of pregnancy, women start to develop the so-called predictive contractions, which are characterized by hardening of the abdomen and soreness. They can appear even several times a week and are irregular.

Regular pain that lasts several hours, the frequency and intensity of which increases with each contraction, is indicative of childbirth. Other characteristics that indicate labor is commencing are:

  1. departure of the mucus plug (this may occur several hours before delivery; the plug may be colored with a small amount of blood),
  2. loss of amniotic fluid (suddenly or slowly)
  3. diarrhea,
  4. nausea,
  5. depressed mood,
  6. pains in the area of ​​the lower back.

Stomachache in pregnancy – what not to do?

1. Do not take any diastolic and painkillers on your own without consulting your doctor first.

2. Do not use hot baths or a hot water bottle for abdominal pain, as this can lead to congestion in the body.

3. If abdominal pain is accompanied by high temperature and vomiting and general weakness – see a doctor immediately.

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