There is a belief that pregnant women are oversensitive, they feel more strongly, they are more susceptible to emotional reactions – even irrational ones. They also begin to listen more closely to their body, interpret the changes taking place in it with an unprecedented intensity. Also, any kind of pain in the abdominal area during this delicate period of pregnancy is a challenge. How to interpret it and when to see a doctor. Here are some suggestions…
It is extremely important to recognize each pain, because it does not have to be a warning of imminent danger. Especially the beginning of pregnancy can be difficult and nervous. Feeling pain in the lower abdomen at this time indicates the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus, which in turn leads to the stretching of the uterine walls. These are menstrual-like pains, the uterus under the influence of hormones becomes more supplied with blood and sensitive.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, you may feel pain on one or both sides of your abdomen, mild cramps, or a pulling sensation. When the cramps are annoying but constant or accompanied by bleeding during the menstrual period, there is no reason to worry, as long as it is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen, intense, lasting more than a day, even if it is not accompanied by spotting or bleeding, may be a harbinger of a miscarriage. During this time, many women experience the fear of an ectopic or tubal pregnancy. Mostly, this fear is dispelled and completely leaves women at 8 weeks of gestation at the time of the examination.
In the second trimester of pregnancy, it may become worse pain caused by stretching muscles and ligaments that support the uterus. The child grows and with it a comfortable place where he will spend the next months. This type of pain can be cramping, stabbing, most often appears when getting up from bed, chair or when coughing. It may take a while or several hours. As long as it is transient and not accompanied by fever, bleeding, profuse discharge or fainting, there is no cause for concern. Resting in a comfortable position will bring relief. At this time there is also a feeling of a full stomach, pulling especially in the groin area. However, if the pain is transient, it does not confirm the concern about renal colic or appendicitis.
In the last trimester of pregnancy, the baby grows faster and faster and regularly gains weight, makes room for itself and begins to make more and more movements. Most women get used to being kicked regularly by their baby. This shows that the baby is doing well, feels safe, but unfortunately it is getting tighter and tighter. The growing uterus with the locator inside puts a lot of pressure on the adjacent organs. Abdominal pain in the area of the right upper quadrant testifies to this pressure and can cause heartburn or nausea. There are also more and more contractions predicting the so-called. Braxton-Hicks contractions. The uterus trains for the grand finale. The numbness of the lower abdomen as well as the feeling of tightness, especially after the night, when the uterus should be “relaxed” after many hours in a comfortable position, can be disturbing at this time. Frequent low back pain as a harbinger of placental detachment can also be misleading. However, for most women, the pain felt in this area is natural and harmless, although bothersome. In the 9th month, prolonged, intense abdominal pain with increasing intensity may be a harbinger of the onset of labour.
Pain sensation and its threshold varies from woman to woman. Some mothers-to-be get used to the burdensome sensations, others have to endure any kind of pain. No two people are alike and each pregnancy is an individual, unique experience. You should carefully listen to your body, observe and not let yourself go crazy. Don’t get hysterical easily when something stings. However, it should be borne in mind that pregnancy is an exceptional state, any pain can also be dangerous, all disturbing changes should be reported to the doctor who is in charge of pregnancy. It’s worth it to be safe, sometimes it’s better to look like a hysterical mom than to regret the lack of reaction later. Remember – do not be put off, be assertive if you feel that pain may predict danger. You are the only one protecting your child at this stage.