Abdominal obesity — an aesthetic and health problem
Abdominal obesity — an aesthetic and health problemAbdominal obesity — an aesthetic and health problem

The proverbial tire keeps many women awake at night. Each of us would like to wear a super dress or skimpy bikini to the beach. Men also want to look attractive without belly folds. However, this is not only an aesthetic problem. Abdominal obesity is a serious health risk. Among other things, it burdens our heart and the entire circulatory system. Therefore, this unpleasant problem should not be underestimated.

Abdominal obesity otherwise known as central, visceral, or apple-shaped, it is one of the worst types of obesity. It is not as dangerous as obesity, where excess fat accumulates on the thighs or buttocks.

When does abdominal obesity occur?

The fastest way to measure belly fat is simply with a centimeter. The norms for women are still within the range of 80-87 cm, and for men the range up to 94 cm is safe. Risks of belly fat:

  • Increased risk of pancreatic, prostate and colorectal cancer,
  • Fattyness of internal organs, which weakens their work,
  • Increase in insulin production,
  • Increased risk of developing high blood pressure,
  • Lowering the blood level of good cholesterol
  • Reducing the efficiency of the heart,
  • Fat deposited on the belly causes increased blood clotting, clots form faster,

Causes of abdominal obesity

GeneticsGetting fat in the tummy can be a problem completely not because of us, predisposing factors in terms of family are one of the most common reasons

LifestyleUnhealthy fast food, sedentary lifestyle, eating late and in excessive amounts of meals at dinner,

Wrong work of female hormonesOften the cause of abdominal obesity is the wrong proportion in the hormonal system in the female body.

MenopauseMost often, after menopause, the activity of female hormones disappears, and male hormones are stimulated to work. Stress resulting from tension, a fast lifestyle makes us eat unhealthy snacks more often and the fat from these meals begins to accumulate dangerously.

LekiEspecially abdominal obesity is caused by steroids used in rheumatic diseases, asthma, as well as hormonal tablets. To diagnose abdominal obesity, which is the first step in the treatment of this severe condition, we must take into account three measurement factors: waist circumference, body weight, waist-hip ratio index .

Abdominal obesity already diagnosed requires treatment, which can also be described by the three most important words in the process of achieving balance of shapes:

  • properly balanced diet,
  • physical activity,
  • mental balance,

These three factors combined under the supervision of a doctor and controlled dietician will ensure success and a chance to completely get rid of abdominal obesity. Do not delay. You should act as soon as possible. Abdominal obesity is, contrary to appearances, more of a health problem, and only in second place is an aesthetic one.

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