Abdominal muscles – role in the body. How to strengthen your abdominal muscles?

The abdominal muscles play important functions in the human body – they primarily support the side, anterior and posterior walls of the abdomen, as well as the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity: the liver, spleen, stomach, duodenum and pancreas. The abdominal muscles also stabilize the spine, especially in its lumbar region, and ensure the correct posture of the entire body.

Abdominal Muscles – Anatomy

There are the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall and the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall. Anterior-lateral stomach muscles to muscle simple belly, muscle external oblique belly, muscle internal oblique belly, muscle transverse belly and the pyramidal muscle. Muscles the back wall belly is the trapezius muscle of the loins, the psoas major muscle, the psoas minor muscle, and the hip muscle. Each of the abdominal muscles it is connected to the rest of the body by a so-called trailer.

Męsien internal oblique belly lowers the ribs, allows the spine to flex laterally, and is involved in every exhalation. Męsien transverse belly allows the medial approach of the ribs, increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity and narrows the chest. This abdominal muscle also takes part in exhalation. Męsien simple belly it runs from the sternum all the way to the pubic symphysis. It is the strongest antagonistic muscle of the dorsal extensor muscle. It is responsible for breathing in and for bending the spine forward. It also plays an important role when it comes to protecting the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. Męsien internal oblique belly it has an initial attachment on the outer surface of the V-XII ribs, while its final attachment is on the white line, inguinal ligament and iliac crest.

The pyramidal muscle belly it is a vestigial muscle. Its role is to tighten the white border.

Many people dream of being refined, strong and visible abdominal muscles. It is important not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for health reasons – it is strong stomach muscles they protect against injuries and the effects of overload.

How to develop strong abdominal muscles with a beautiful shape?

Strong stomach muscles perform their functions better, i.e. the function of protecting the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the function of stabilizing the spine and figure. Strong for athletes stomach muscles they provide better overall condition, a stronger strike, kick (in the case of footballers) and allow for a faster running pace. In the case of contact sports (e.g. martial arts) stomach muscles help to relieve the effects of blows to the torso or abdomen. Due to the fact that stomach muscles take part in inhalation and exhalation, their good form ensures proper breathing, very important for athletes, but also important for anyone who wants to function according to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Strong stomach muscles is an upright posture, no back pain and the ability to perform everyday activities and sports without getting out of breath.

The first point to consider if you want to carve stomach musclesis getting rid of excess fat from the belly tissue. Even the most beautifully educated stomach muscles will not be visible from underneath the layer of fat on the abdomen. In order to remove excess fat, a proper, properly balanced diet is very important. It is also worth accelerating the pace of metabolic processes, for example by using cardio training, and getting rid of excess water accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue, for example by visiting a sauna. If you don’t take care of getting rid of excess fat and water from the subcutaneous tissue of your abdomen, even exercise daily on stomach muscles will not give the expected results – the muscles will not be visible.

The best multi-joint exercises for stomach muscles it’s squats and deadlifts. They engage different muscle groups, including the most important ones stomach muscles, they also increase the overall efficiency of the body.

Isolated exercises on stomach muscles they should be performed several times a week – regularity, accuracy and the number of repetitions are important. The most recommended exercises on stomach muscles There are weighted turns in sitting down, pocket knives, scissors, ball exercises and isometric tension. It is best, at least in the initial period, to do them under the supervision of a trainer to avoid mistakes that may lead to overload or even damage muscles belly. Isolated training on stomach muscles should be performed once a week, multi-joint exercises can be performed daily.

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