Abdominal muscle dehiscence – causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Distasis musculorum rectorum (RMPB) is the stretch of both straight abdominal muscles to the sides in the area of ​​the white line. Most often it occurs as a result of pregnancy and after childbirth. However, abdominal muscle dehiscence can also occur in men.

The causes of abdominal muscle separation

The rectus abdominis muscle it consists of two parts located in the central part of the abdomen. Both parts the rectus abdominis muscle are connected with each other so-called a white line, i.e. a fibrous strand approximately 33 cm long and approximately 10 mm wide. The white crescent runs centrally from the xiphoid process (it is the lowest bone of the sternum) to the pubic symphysis. Straight abdominal muscles adjoin each other along the white border. During pregnancy, the circumference of the abdomen increases significantly, and the white border becomes slack and widened. It is related to the action of hormones (relaxin and elastin), whose task is to soften the connective tissue. After giving birth, sometimes rectus abdominals they do not return to their original state – this is the most common cause a divergence (stretch mark) in the abdominal muscles.

Do risk factors the emergence of this ailment include

  1. high birth weight of the child,
  2. multiple pregnancy,
  3. each subsequent pregnancy,
  4. excessive load on the abdominal muscles in the last trimester of pregnancy,
  5. obesity.

As for the last two factors, in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is a good idea to stop doing any exercises that involve the oblique muscles of your abdomen. They connect through the fascia with the rectus abdominis muscles, and their attachment is in the white line. Overloading these muscles during pregnancy can make it worse abdominal muscle stretch.

When it comes to obesity, then it can contribute to abdominal muscle breakdownespecially for men. Nevertheless, it has been observed that for women the risk is abdominal muscle breakdown it is bigger in those of future mothers who are thin and their belly increases its circumference very much during pregnancy.

Do causes of abdominal muscle separation also include lack of sports activity and weak muscles before pregnancy. Ladies who exercise regularly and have had strong abdominal muscles before pregnancy, they are less likely to complain of ailments related to abdominal muscle separation.

In men with abdominal obesity, a risk factor for the appearance abdominal muscle breakdown there is also a cough that raises pressure in the abdomen. The white line may then be stretched and may occur abdominal muscle breakdownand even to rupture of the white line (so-called white line hernia).

Symptoms of abdominal muscle breakdown

Dissolution of the abdominal muscles it does not cause pain. To recognize them, you need to do a special test. To do this, you need to lie on your back and bend your legs at the knees. The feet should touch the ground. Then slightly raise your head and with your fingers pointing downwards, touch the abdominal muscles from the sternum to the navel. If you feel a gap between the two parts of the rectus muscles of the abdomen (a “hole” into which you can insert three or even four fingers), then there is a abdominal muscle dehiscence. It is recommended to perform this test in the third trimester of pregnancy and from the third day after delivery (natural and caesarean section).

Untreated dehiscence of the abdominal muscles can have serious and painful consequences. Straight abdominal muscles they keep the spine in the right position and are responsible for the correct body posture. Their weakening and divergence causes posture defects, and then curvature and pain in the spine. There may also be a hernia and abdominal displacement. In this case, surgery is required.

Treatment methods in case of abdominal muscle dehiscence

Dissolution of the abdominal muscles it is first of all the necessity to save them – it is not allowed to lift heavier objects with this ailment. You should also get into the habit of getting out of bed properly: lying on your side and correctly lifting objects – bending the knee joints without bending down for them.

In the treatment of abdominal muscle breakdown rehabilitation is useful and exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. After childbirth, you can perform them from the 3rd day 5 times a day for 10 repetitions. You should do them carefully and don’t overstrain. They are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and the white border.

In the case of heavy abdominal muscle breakdown and when a hernia is at risk as a result, it is good to opt for surgery to eliminate this problem.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles in case of abdominal muscle separation

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles in the event that it has happened straight muscles of the abdomen, it is best to consult a physiotherapist or physiotherapist. Crunches or abdominal stretching exercises consisting in stretching the stomach forward are not recommended. You should also not make diagonal movements of the torso.

In the case of abdominal muscle breakdown you must not do weight-bearing exercises.

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