Abdominal massage for adults
Many of us feel the benefits of massage for the muscles of various parts of the body. However, not many people know about the benefits of abdominal massage in adults, its benefits and harm to the body. Let’s discuss the benefits of such a massage and whether it can be done at home

Abdominal massage focuses on the muscles in the anterior abdominal wall and lateral surfaces. The muscles that make up the anterior abdominal wall area include the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, and external, internal oblique muscles. Abdominal massage uses a number of techniques to help reduce muscle tension and spasm.

Massaging the abdomen helps increase flexibility and reduce pain. Masseurs use abdominal massage to relieve muscle tension, tightness and pain, solve certain problems of internal organs and eliminate figure defects.

Benefits of abdominal massage for adults

Massaging the abdomen has significant health benefits, and not all positive effects are limited to the abdomen. Massage can not only heal short-term ailments such as constipation, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome, but can also be a valuable means of relieving pain due to abdominal adhesions (after surgeries, injuries) and digestive problems that are related to stress or medication. .

Abdominal massage can be performed in combination with a full body massage or as a special treatment to relieve the condition of the abdominal organs and tissues. When performed regularly, tummy massage can be a lifelong wellness factor. It improves digestion, which often suffers due to significant stress or tension. A professional tummy massage not only stimulates the digestive system, but can also help the colon move waste through the intestines, which can help relieve constipation, bloating and gas.

Internal organs, including the liver, all sections of the large intestine, diaphragm, small intestine and gallbladder, are located in the abdominal region of the human body. Massaging the abdomen also stimulates them, including the gallbladder and liver. Increasing blood and oxygen flow can help improve organ function. When it comes to the gallbladder and liver, improved function means more efficient release and removal of waste products.

Improved circulation benefits the blood vessels throughout the abdomen.

Massaging the abdomen can stimulate bowel movements, which can become irregular or infrequent due to stress, dietary issues, medication, or other health issues. The muscles of the intestines need some form of stimulation to maintain peristalsis (successive waves of involuntary contractions that force the contents to move on). If peristalsis does not occur, bowel movements become sluggish or almost stop.

Massaging the abdomen reduces muscle tension as the temperature rises due to friction between the fingers and the skin. An increase in muscle temperature relaxes the muscles and allows them to stretch and move more freely without restriction as tissue elasticity increases. Relaxing tense muscles reduces the pain caused by the restriction.

During the massage of the abdomen, friction is created between the skin and fingers, blood flow increases. Increased circulation provides the muscles with more oxygen, nutrients, and white blood cells needed to repair damage. Increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients also reduces muscle fatigue. Reducing fatigue by improving circulation can help reduce pain resulting from an injury.

Massaging the abdomen can help before intense exercise or competition. It helps prepare a person for mental and physical activity by reducing muscle tension. Before training or competition, the muscles are more tense. Tight muscles can limit range of motion and flexibility. Abdominal massage helps to relax and ease muscle tension, while increasing range of motion and flexibility. Increasing range of motion and flexibility helps reduce the chance of injury. After exertion, abdominal massage relaxes the body both physically and mentally.

Abdominal massage helps the body to relax psychologically by increasing the levels of relaxation hormones called dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine and serotonin are released by the brain and can give a person a sense of well-being as well as improve their relaxation. Levels of the stress hormone cortisol are reduced. In addition to increasing stress levels, cortisol can cause a “bad mood” effect in a person, as well as increase depression levels. An increase in serotonin and dopamine levels and a decrease in cortisol allow the body to relax psychologically.

Increased flexibility is another benefit achieved with abdominal massage. When muscles become tight and tissues become constricted due to lack of elasticity, flexibility is reduced. Abdominal massage is aimed at increasing flexibility by relieving muscle tension and increasing tissue elasticity.

Massaging the abdomen can improve posture. Muscles in the abdomen can become tense and restrict movement. Muscle tightness can lead to a change in posture due to the constant contraction of the muscle. Improper posture can worsen muscle tension, leading to increased pain. Abdominal massage aims to improve posture by reducing muscle tension.

What other problems can be solved:

  • Stress Reduction – Abdominal massage can reduce the sensation of a “knot” in the abdomen, providing peace of mind and relieving stress, anxiety and depression, creating a state of relaxation.
  • scar tissue reduction – fascial work and special massage techniques help break up adhesions and scar tissue after surgery;
  • lower back pain relief – pressure on the abdomen can relieve deep muscle spasms and reduce pressure on the front of the spine;
  • more efficient breathing – exposure around the chest, combined with deep abdominal breathing, can relax the muscles around the diaphragm – this allows for efficient air flow throughout the body and creates a balanced and full breath;
  • improving menstrual symptoms – massage can help relieve painful menstrual cramps in women by easing cramps and muscle stiffness.

Harm of abdominal massage for adults

If massage is performed by non-professionals or without regard to contraindications, it can cause harm, increase pain or problems. Therefore, it is important that massage courses are conducted by an experienced massage therapist who is familiar with anatomy and physiology.

Contraindications for abdominal massage for adults

Abdominal massage should be avoided or used with extreme caution by persons:

  • having stones in the gallbladder and kidneys;
  • calcium deposits in the bladder;
  • with the presence of a hernia of the navel, anterior abdominal wall, groin;
  • having stomach ulcers or internal bleeding;
  • certain gastrointestinal diseases or conditions such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, or ulcerative colitis;
  • after abdominal surgery (you need to wait a certain time);
  • during pregnancy.

How to massage the abdomen for adults at home

Even when performing massage at home, it should only be performed by a professional!

During the massage of the abdomen, various techniques are used, which include:

  • deep shocks;
  • stroking;
  • skin rolling;
  • squeezing and twisting;
  • mixing.

A common technique for massaging the abdomen is deep strokes, which are performed with pressed hands and fingers. They are used to penetrate muscle tissue and apply strong pressure. Deep thrusts and strokes help relieve pain by reducing muscle tension and increasing tissue elasticity. Tight muscles relax, reducing the restriction that can cause pain during movement. Muscle tissue also relaxes and stretches, increasing elasticity and flexibility. Reducing muscle tension and increasing tissue elasticity with abdominal massage allows a person to have an increased range of motion without pain.

Also during the massage of the abdomen, rolling of the skin is used: it is captured and rolled between the fingers and fingers. Skin rolling is an effective way to relieve muscle and fascia tension. Fascia is located under the skin and is a thin layer of connective tissue that can create tension restrictions. Rolling the skin helps to increase the temperature of the muscles and fascia, helps them to stretch and relax, relieving tightness and restriction. Due to this, rolling the skin also helps to reduce muscle pain.

Squeezing is a common technique used during abdominal massage. Squeezing involves grabbing the muscle tissues on each side of the abdomen and stretching them in opposite directions towards the center. The pressure during the twisting process is adjustable from light to strong. Squeezing helps to relax and stretch the abdominal muscles, relieving tension, spasm and stress in the muscles.

Another technique for massaging the abdomen is kneading, when the soft tissues of the muscles are slowly stretched and compressed. Kneading helps improve blood and lymph flow and loosen tissues. Blood and lymph flow increase with increasing muscle temperature due to the stretching and compressive actions of the soft tissues. Improved blood and lymph flow helps increase cellular turnover in tissues as more oxygen and nutrients need to be delivered to the muscles and exchanged for metabolic waste. Increased cellular turnover leads to reduced muscle fatigue and helps maintain stronger, healthier muscles. Connective tissues also loosen with an increase in muscle temperature. The movement of the hands helps them stretch and increase elasticity, which results in less spasm, more range of motion, and less pain.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about abdominal massage professional massage therapist with 14 years of experience Alexander Kholmogorov.

How effective is abdominal massage for adults?

Abdominal massage performed by an experienced specialist who knows anatomy helps to improve intestinal motility (movements are performed clockwise), improve blood flow to the abdominal organs (recovery processes are included). By massaging the abdomen, fat deposits are well removed, cellulite is smoothed out and the skin is tightened.

How often do adults need to massage the abdomen?

The frequency of massage is determined by the course and goal. If this is a classic massage, then you can include it in a general massage every other day. If this is an anti-cellulite massage, then you can do it every day – the course stretches up to 15 – 20 sessions.

Can everyone get a tummy massage?

There are absolute and relative contraindications, which were mentioned above. Do not do this massage immediately after eating. In women, menstruation is a contraindication.

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