Abdominal bloating is not the result of diet alone. What diseases can herald?

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Abdominal bloating, or flatulence, is a symptom of too much gas in the intestines and filling our stomach. Bloating is a common and everyday ailment of all of us, but it can be a symptom of diseases and disorders in the functioning of the digestive system.

  1. Bloating can happen to anyone – especially after a heavy or heavy meal
  2. In healthy people, the symptoms disappear on their own or after the use of generally available drugs for excess gas
  3. However, there may be serious illnesses behind the flatulence. So if the symptoms recur, it is worth going to the doctor
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is abdominal gas?

Flatulence occurs when our intestines are filled with an excessive amount of gases generated during the digestive process (methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) and by swallowing air while eating. We divide abdominal bloating into gastric flatulence i bowels.

Before you see a doctor, you should:

  1. limit solid foods in the diet and give only liquid foods,
  2. do an enema, leaving the tips in the anus to facilitate the expulsion of gases,
  3. perform a gentle abdominal massage.

Harmonix 500 ml – a natural, herbal dietary supplement supporting the functioning of the intestines may prove helpful in the fight against abdominal distension. Its recipe was developed based on the knowledge of the monk and physiotherapist, Father Klimuszko.

Symptoms of abdominal distension

People who complain of abdominal distension most of all experience a feeling of “puffed up” abdomen, bloating and internal distension. In addition, frequent gas expulsion and a feeling of pressure in the left or right hypochondrium (due to the air therein). This can be associated with paroxysmal intestinal cramps, shortness of breath and pain in the chest, loud purring and overflow in the abdomen, and gas too much. Sometimes abdominal bloating is accompanied by Roemheld’s syndrome, a complex of gastro-cardiac symptoms. This is where gas is present, which causes the diaphragm to be high and causes heart problems. Roemheld syndrome can be indicated by breathing problems, an excessive heartbeat, and chest pain (similar to angina).

In the case of flatulence and abdominal symptoms, one of the management options is an e-visit to the gastroenterologist who will take an interview and suggest further treatment. Teleconsultation may be the first step in the diagnostic process if a physical examination or more detailed examinations are also required.

If you have a history of flatulence, try Three Mints – a freeze-dried organic tea that has a positive effect on the digestive system. We also recommend Calm Stomach – Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

If the symptoms of abdominal distension appear suddenly, it is called acute bloating and chronic. Acute flatulence of the abdomen begins with gastrointestinal obstruction, which makes it difficult for food to move through the gastrointestinal tract due to a tumor, hernia or narrowing of the intestine. Such ailments need to be diagnosed as soon as possible because they can be life-threatening.

To support the functioning of the digestive system, it is worth consuming kombucha. Order the Kombucha Wellness Kit for 2 weeks, which is currently available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

  1. Check what to avoid to get rid of flatulence once and for all

Gastrointestinal obstruction is manifested by:

  1. nausea
  2. vomiting
  3. stomach ache
  4. flatulence
  5. constipation.

If you have problems with the digestive system, order Ruta ordinary – the YANGO dietary supplement, which supports digestion and prevents flatulence. You can also buy Original Langsteiner Swedish Herbs available in packages of various capacities.

Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction

During the examination, the doctor does not hear well how the intestines work, muscle tension is characteristic, which increases with pressure, the patient feels pain when coughing. The characteristic feature of peritonitis is abdominal pain caused by the release of pressure on the abdominal wall, the so-called Blumberg symptom. In addition to the above-mentioned examination, the patient should perform blood counts and biochemical tests.

Taking a picture of the abdomen in a standing position is helpful in the diagnosis. Thanks to this, it is possible to see the intestinal loops with the fluid level. Abdominal ultrasound is also performed.

Attention! Intestinal obstruction requires urgent surgical intervention.

If, in addition to abdominal distension, it appears in the stool, it is worth performing a mail-order diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases, which is available at Medonet Market. The waiting time for the results is 7 business days.

Causes of abdominal gas

The causes of abdominal distension can be:

  1. increased production of gases in the intestines due to over-fermentation and slower movement of fecal masses,
  2. increased swallowing or uncontrolled suction of air through the mouth
  3. trouble with gas excretion, e.g. due to intestinal obstruction,
  4. dysfunction of gas resorption in the intestines with paralysis of their activities,
  5. surgery performed earlier in the abdominal cavity,
  6. impairment of digestive processes in the course of diseases of the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, and large intestine,
  7. diseases of the central nervous system, diffuse peritonitis.

Have a digestive problem? Try the Eco digestive regulating tea offered by the Pestka store. You can buy it on Medonet Market at a favorable price. We also recommend the Daily Lightness ° smart supplement for digestion, the composition of which can be individually modified. In addition, the manufacturer allows free contact with a dietitian as part of supplementation.

Do you need a consultation with a family doctor?

Would you like to discuss possible causes of frequent abdominal gas with your GP? Now you can make an appointment for a free consultation under the National Health Fund. To do this, you need to change the current health care clinic on the haloDoctor platform. You can find the change form here

Can we confuse flatulence with another disease?

An enlarged abdomen often occurs after excessive eating, most often caused by flatulence. The flatulence usually disappears on the second day and the abdomen returns to its original appearance. However, there are situations in which patients complain of long-term flatulence, which is manifested by the constantly increasing size of the abdomen. Therefore, an enlarged abdomen can also be a consequence of:

  1. gaining weight,
  2. increase in the volume of the abdominal internal organs: liver, spleen and kidneys. Sometimes there are tumors and cysts
  3. ascites occurring most often in the case of liver cirrhosis or cancer.

In case of any doubts, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity should be performed – a private examination can be arranged by yourself, and then the result should be consulted with a doctor.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of abdominal distension

The diagnosis of abdominal distension is based on a medical history. The patient tells about his aforementioned ailments. To properly diagnose gas, the doctor performs physical incidence, stool tests for occult blood, and other additional tests. Is moving:

  1. Abdominal ultrasound – thanks to which it is possible to recognize abnormalities in the abdominal cavity;
  2. Abdominal x-ray;
  3. Gastroscopy – a test that helps to exclude organic changes in the stomach and duodenum;
  4. Colonoscopy – allows to exclude inflammatory and cancerous diseases of the large intestine;
  5. Hydrogen test – performed to determine the breakdown of lactose;
  6. Examination of the exocrine function of the pancreas;
  7. Stool microbiological examination.

For digestive problems, we recommend the Peppermint Leaf, from which you can make tasty tea. It is also worth reaching for the RefluxoHerbs stomach – a herbal mixture that includes: sage leaf, horsetail herb, lemon balm leaf, calamus rhizome and chamomile basket.

In diagnostics, apart from the test results, other ailments with similar symptoms (e.g. pain in the hypochondrium or a large amount of gas) must be taken into account. They may indicate problems with the kidneys, spleen, large intestine or gallbladder.

Chronic abdominal distension – treatment and diet

Treatment of chronic abdominal distension is usually divided into:

1. Causal treatment – depends on the cause of flatulence. If a patient has a tumor or a hernia, surgery or cancer treatment is required. The diagnosis of a parasitic infection is an indication for the use of preparations that destroy parasites in our digestive tract. Another treatment for causal disease is simply by diet (especially in patients with lactose intolerance or gluten enteropathy). In this case, the patient must follow a gluten-free and lactose-free diet. If it is necessary to use antibiotics, remember about protective drugs. It should be remembered that flatulence, despite its commonness, has many causes, which can sometimes be really dangerous. Therefore, chronic flatulence, which is accompanied by a large amount of gas, should not be underestimated.

What to eat to get rid of flatulence? Add coriander to cooking to prevent gas and make it easier to get rid of. In order to reduce digestive problems, it is worth using Oxymel with mint, lemon balm and St. John’s wort, which you can buy at Medonet Market at an attractive price. We also recommend BIO hawthorn probiotic drink concentrate, which helps not only with digestive problems, but also supports the functioning of the immune system. You can buy the preparation separately or in the BIO set of probiotic drink concentrates (forest fruit + hawthorn + hops).

2. Symptomatic treatment – First of all, you should exclude carbonated drinks and any dishes that cause flatulence from your daily diet. Eating food should be slow, calm, it is good to eat small portions – but more often. Another way is to refrain from talking while eating, and long walks are recommended after eating. For flatulence, you can use gas-propellants, e.g. fennel preparations or warm compresses. Fennel (fruit) in the form of dried tea for making tea or fennel in grains for seasoning your dishes, buy now at Medonet Market. Currently, in every pharmacy we can get preparations that act symptomatically and reduce the symptoms of flatulence (e.g. simethicone). If stronger pains appear, you can take a relaxant, but it should not be used for a long time, because it weakens the peristalsis of the intestinal muscles and increases flatulence.

The fight against flatulence can also be facilitated by digestive supplements, including herbal preparations for flatulence. Medonet Market also offers Lactibiane Reference – a probiotic that strengthens the bacterial flora and alleviates unpleasant symptoms of the digestive system.

Herbal teas are also supportive, for example Lime Mint Bio Yogi Tea – lime tea with mint or the strengthening tea HeartWarming Bio Yogi Tea, which can also be purchased at Medonet Market. It is also worth trying Hops Cones, which will naturally help with flatulence in the form of an infusion or tea.

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