ABC of avian and swine flu

The peak incidence usually falls on the turn of February and March. Until then, we can still get vaccinated or educate ourselves a bit. Although scientists are already scaring us with seals, we are still very afraid of bird flu, and even more so of swine flu. What should we know about them?

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1/ 7 Is it true that swine flu is not vaccinated?

Several types of immunization are available for pandemic flu. Of course, they do not provide XNUMX% protection against disease, but they significantly reduce the likelihood of infection. Moreover, vaccination against “normal” seasonal flu also partially protects against swine flu. – It is worth getting vaccinated, the more that the vaccine prepared for this season also protects against the so-called virus. swine flu – explains Elżbieta Kuras, spokesman for the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological State in Krakow. – Vaccinations are recommended to all who have weakened immunity. As early as six months old babies can be vaccinated.

2/ 7 Swine flu is more deadly than seasonal flu

Seasonal flu has a mortality rate of up to 0,5%. illnesses. Meanwhile, with swine flu, this indicator can be as much as ten times higher. Moreover, middle-aged people are more likely to die, which is very rare with seasonal flu.

3/ 7 Are flu masks a marketing fake?

Masks partially protect against infection, but if we forget to wash our hands and, for example, rub the eye, this additional form of protection will be useless. – Hygiene is very important: using only disposable handkerchiefs, frequent washing of hands with warm water and soap – explains Elżbieta Kuras. – For several years, most of us have been ill at the turn of February and March, because winters are warm, especially December, frosts come suddenly and late. And when there is warming, we get rid of hats and gloves too quickly.

4/ 7 Are swine and avian flu equally dangerous?

Avian flu is much more dangerous than swine flu. In the case of the H5N1 virus, the mortality rate can be as high as 60%, while in the case of the A / H1N1 virus, it stops at a few percent.

5/ 7 The symptoms of bird flu are the same as seasonal flu

With the flu, you get a fever and a headache, and a general feeling of discomfort. Pain in muscles and joints is also characteristic. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Sometimes there is also a cough and runny nose. In some cases of swine flu, high temperatures do not occur, but they are extremely rare.

6/ 7 Can you get swine flu from eating pork?

Swine flu viruses, like most of these pathogens, die at high temperatures. Pork is never eaten raw, so there is no risk of A / H1N1 viruses in the prepared dish.

7/ 7 Are swine flu medications already effective?

Two types of drugs are used with the flu: neuramidase inhibitors and drugs that inhibit viral replication. It has been proven that the A / H1N1 virus shows sensitivity to agents from the first group, but not to all of them. There is still no clear recommendation on how to administer antiviral agents for swine flu.

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