Abakan pink tomato

Among vegetable crops, tomatoes are very much in demand. Therefore, the choice of variety is always considered a responsible matter. After all, it is necessary that the plant not only grows well, but the harvest does not disappoint. The abundance of varieties and hybrids is amazing. For the Altai gardeners, the Abakan Pink tomato was bred.

Abakan pink tomato

The variety belongs to the medium-late ripening period. The plant is indeterminate or, more simply, with unlimited growth of the main stem. This suggests that it is better to grow this variety of tomato in a greenhouse, but it is also possible in open ground. You just need to remember that tall tomatoes require some care. A description of the variety will help you get to know the Abakan Pink tomato better.

Main characteristics

The advantage that this tomato variety has is an extended (long) fruiting period. This characteristic allows a very good tomato crop to be harvested throughout the season. The first fruits can be enjoyed 110 days after the appearance of full shoots. Distinctive features of the Abakan pink tomato:

  1. Bush. In the greenhouse, the plant reaches a height of 2 meters, in the open – 1,5 m. It requires shaping and garters. The variety is usually formed in two stems. The bush is not very leafy, with medium-sized leaves. Forms up to 5 tomatoes on each brush.
  2. Fruit. They belong to the salad type with excellent taste. The average weight of one tomato reaches up to 500 g, and with additional care, many grow tomatoes weighing up to 800 g. The shape of the tomato fruits resembles the famous Bull’s Heart variety, but flat-round ones can also grow on the same bush next to them. Tomato has a six-chamber structure, dense skin, fleshy and juicy pulp, pleasant aroma. The color of the fruit and pulp is pink, in the immature stage – green. Large-fruited makes it possible to use tomatoes “Abakan pink” in salads, in the manufacture of ketchups and juices.

Abakan pink tomato

A feature of a wonderful variety is its good immunity to diseases and pests. The tomato rarely gets sick, which makes it possible to rarely use chemicals. Even the fight against the Colorado potato beetle is relevant only in the phase of planting seedlings and in the fall. Then he is interested in unripe fruits. In the interim period, the pest does not show much interest in the Abakan Pink tomato. Therefore, to combat it, seedlings are treated with any pesticide.

Important! Tomato seedlings should not be planted close to the beds of potatoes, eggplant, peppers. These crops have similar diseases and pests.

And in the places of last year’s cultivation of the listed vegetables, this should not be done. It is best to plant the Abakan Pink tomato after cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini or legumes.

The nuances of agricultural technology

There is an opinion that tall tomato varieties are difficult to grow. In fact this is not true. It is worth trying once, and then you will no longer refuse high-yielding giants.

The main skill must be applied when forming a bush. Tomatoes grow not only up, but stepchildren like to grow. This is the name of additional stems-shoots that can grow from each sinus. And regular watering and fertilizing can lead to the fact that the tomatoes will occupy the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse.

Therefore, indeterminate tomato varieties are formed into one or two stems. In one, it is simply the removal of all stepchildren. 6 brushes will grow on the main trunk. The variety “Abakansky pink” forms the crop gradually, during the summer. The recommended scheme for planting seedlings is 50×40, per 1 sq. m area should be no more than 3 bushes. In order not to experience problems in the future, you should immediately stock up on props and garters.

The variety “Abakansky pink” responds well to mineral and organic fertilizers. Watering is carried out in the evening with settled warm water. And you can loosen and weed the aisles as needed. The yield of the Abakansky pink variety is 4 kg per 1 sq. m.

Abakan pink tomato


Who planted the Abakan Pink tomato, reviews and photos are placed on various websites and in magazines. Mainly note the large-fruited and high yield of the variety. Some note that the first fruits ripen much earlier than the period indicated in the description of the Abakan pink variety.

Valentina Yakushenko, 48 years old Irkutsk
I grow a tomato “Abakan pink” in a greenhouse. This gives me a guarantee of a full harvest. Tomatoes are beautiful, juicy and large. They do not require special care. You just have to constantly monitor the appearance of stepchildren in order to remove them in time. Other than that, I’m very happy with my choice.
Tatyana Leonidovna Roslina, Altay
In the greenhouse I plant “Abakan Pink” and “Bull’s Heart”. There are enough tomatoes for salads and for preparations. There are fewer Colorado potato beetles in the greenhouse, and the rest of the pests for these varieties are not particularly scary. I water regularly with warm water, feed twice a season. Of course, I cut off stepchildren. This is not tiring at all, but it makes it possible to get a good harvest.

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