Abacus: How to teach math easily to my child

Abacus: How to teach math easily to my child

The Abacus method is an ancestral method from Asia. It allows you to perform mental arithmetic operations in a fun and fast way.

What is an Abacus?

Abacus is a Latin word which translates to abacus in French or counting frame. It is a rectangular wooden frame that contains several rows of balls sliding on rods. This mechanical instrument is widely used in Asia. It has been used since the 16th century by traders to perform quick calculations. The abacus is used today in Asia but also in Russia to teach children mental arithmetic. 

In the Abacus method, three types of abacus can be used:

  • the Chinese abacus (suanpan);
  • the Japanese abacus (soroban);
  • the Russian abacus (stchoty). The Japanese abacus is the most used today.

How is an Abacus organized?

To know how to use an Abacus, you must already understand how it is organized. The Japanese abacus contains 13 rods of 5 balls. Each rod of balls is separated in two by a cross bar (perpendicular to the rods). Above the crossbar is 1 ball. This is quinary, that is to say that it is worth 5 units. Under the crossbar are the 4 remaining balls per row. Each of them is worth 1 unit. The crossbar is recognized by small white dots. There is 1 small point every 3 rows. Each point is the starting point of the calculation, it represents the units column. The balls to the right of the white point represent the digits after the decimal point. Those to the left of the dot represent tens, hundreds, thousands… etc. 

Thanks to this tool, it is possible to perform 4 types of operation: 

  • additions.
  • subtractions.
  • multiplications.
  • divisions.

How to use an Abacus?

Before becoming an expert in the Abacus method, the child goes through three stages.

The first step is to become familiar with the abacus. The child learns to do operations by moving the balls. The more he uses the Abacus, the faster he will perform the operations requested. Thanks to this wooden instrument, the child can more easily visualize the numbers, the tens, the hundreds, the thousands. By training regularly, he understands that he can perform infinite computational operations without difficulty. The calculation then becomes a game.

The second step is that of mental arithmetic with the fingers. By dint of using the abacus, the child memorizes the gestures he performs with the balls to solve a particular calculation operation. After a while (and many abacus training sessions), the child feels ready to perform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication without the Abacus. Comment? He mimics with his fingers the gestures made on the abacus while visualizing the abacus in his head. The child uses mental visualization and motor representation (with the hands) of numbers. He kind of touches and moves the balls with his brain. In a few seconds and a few quick gestures, the result of the operation is found!

The last step is when the child calculates without the abacus or hands. It only uses mental visualization to calculate quickly. The brain being his only tool. 

The benefits of the Abacus method for children

This method makes learning mental arithmetic easy and fun, but that’s not all:

  • it stimulates several cognitive functions at the same time: concentration, imagination, mental visualization, reasoning. The two hemispheres of the brain work at the same time, a beneficial gymnastics!
  • it increases children’s ability to concentrate. Indeed, the child will perceive the method as a game and will willingly want to start over and train to carry out increasingly complex operations. 
  • it restores confidence to children who have difficulty at school, especially in mathematics. Seeing that he always manages to solve complex operations, the child becomes aware of his abilities and is proud of it. 

The Abacus method can be learned by children from 7/8 years old.

1 Comment

  1. ግሩም የስሌት መሳሪያ አጋዥ ነው ለተሰጠው ማብራሪያ አመሰግናለው አንድ ጥያቄ እንድጠይቅ ይፈቀድልኝና ከገበያላይ የት ማግኘት እችላለው ስገዛስ የአጠቃቀም ማንዋል አለው የሚሸጥበትን ቦታ ብትጠቁሙኝ አመሰግናለው

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