ABA method, what is it?

ABA method, what is it?

The ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) method is an approach that aims to help autistic children communicate better with others and be more independent. Appeared in 1987, it is based on behavioral sciences and is part of the recommendations of the High Authority of Health (HAS) for the support of children with autism. What is it about ? Who can practice it? How is it beneficial? Everything you need to know about the ABA method. 

The ABA method to support autism

The ABA method is used in the treatment of autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes behavioral and communication disorders in people who suffer from it. The child with autism does not perceive the world as a person without pathology or “neurotypical”. Based on this observation, the ABA method offers a structured framework to the autistic child to help him acquire new skills and adopt behaviors adapted to his environment in order to live better with others. 

ABA is a collection of techniques which, to be effective, should ideally be applied intensively (at least 20 hours per week).

Who practices the ABA method?

Applied behavior analysis can be used by professionals working in the care of autistic children (psychologists, educators, etc.) who have obtained a certification in behavior analysis or are supervised by a BCBA (person who holds a certification in human analysis. behviour). Parents can also apply the principles of the ABA method in the daily monitoring of the child. For this, there is training in setting up a home program and parental guidance sessions. 

What is the purpose of using the ABA method?

The ABA method is structured around three main objectives: 

  • learning skills. 
  • the reinforcement of adapted behaviors and the reduction of inappropriate behaviors.
  • learning new behaviors.

These goals are tailored to the needs of each child and those around them. This is why it is important to properly analyze the behavior and environment of the child before putting the teachings into practice.

The ABA method in practice

Learning simple gestures and behaviors

One of the axes of the ABA method consists in teaching the child simple gestures and behaviors which will facilitate his social relations. This can concern many areas such as language, attention, games or social integration. 

Examples: show him how to say hello, how to play with a schoolmate, how to speak in a group, etc.

Applied behavioral analysis also acts on the child’s behaviors by reinforcing those which are adapted to his environment and by modifying those which are inappropriate. 

The use of “reinforcers”

Concretely, the ABA uses “reinforcers” to congratulate the child when this one presents adapted behavior. These are rewards in the form of games or treats accompanied by cheers or applause. The child is thus encouraged to reproduce these behaviors. The “reinforcers” are gradually spaced out and then stopped once the child is able to adopt the desired behaviors naturally.

Behavior analysis

Conversely, to reduce inappropriate behaviors, the ABA method will consist in analyzing what happened before and after the behaviors in question. This makes it possible to identify the circumstances of their appearance, the causes and their intensity, in particular to act on the trigger. This time, there are no “reinforcers” for the child to understand that he must gradually let go of these inappropriate behaviors. 

Finally, ABA allows the child to learn new adapted behaviors in addition to those they already master. Several techniques are then applied:

  • the indication: we tell the child what is expected of him.
  • encouragement: the child is guided by words or gestures so that he learns specific skills.
  • the chain procedure: break down simple actions step by step and in a logical order so that he can master them independently (example: to wash your hands, you have to turn on the tap, wet your hands, take soap, rub and rinse hands under water). 
  • fading: gradually, the incentives are removed so that the new behavior is adopted naturally (without help) by the child.
  • shaping: we reinforce behaviors that come closer and closer to the desired behavior. 

Two types of education

The objectives of the ABA method are possible thanks to two types of teaching:

Structured teaching

It takes place face to face without external stimuli and consists of learning divided into small steps repeated in rapid successions. Each learning is broken down into a request addressed to the child, a behavior of the child and a reaction of the person who applies the ABA. With each successful request, the child is congratulated and rewarded. 

Teaching in a natural or incidental environment

The child is guided to different places (home, school) at any time and in a real situation. The parent or the professional helps him to become familiar with his environment with the help of games, to promote his social integration by participating in outings with school for example, and to develop his autonomy by learning daily actions. (toiletries, meals, etc.).

The ABA method is believed to bear fruit when the child is able to repeat, generalize and maintain their emerging skills and appropriate behaviors independently (without the help of a third party), in different contexts. 

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