A year ago, the number of infected exceeded 1. Then the tide grew rapidly stronger. How will it be now?
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The fourth wave of coronavirus in Poland attacks more and more. The rise in the number of COVID-19 infections looks – so far – very similar to last year. In October 2020, the disease bars shot up even more sharply. Does this also mean a return to the restrictions introduced a year ago?

  1. The number of COVID-19 cases in Poland is close to one thousand. On Tuesday, 975 of them were recorded, the average is growing week by week
  2. According to epidemiologists, at the turn of October and November we will witness a dozen, and maybe even 30 thousand. coronavirus cases daily
  3. On October 10, 2020, all of Poland was in the yellow zone, and two weeks later – in the red zone
  4. Will we have a repeat?
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Coronavirus in Poland – what was the situation like a year ago?

The epidemic situation in Poland is largely similar to that of 12 months ago. Back then, in late September, the number of new COVID-19 cases was similar to the current ones. On September 22, 2020, 711 coronavirus infections were reported, a day later – already 974. How was it now? On September 21, we had 711 new cases, two days later – 974.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Last year, the daily number of cases exceeded 1 for the first time. On September 19 (exactly 1 thousand. 2 cases of COVID-19), on September 24, it was already 1 thousand. 136 and further it grew rapidly. On October 2, the Ministry of Health informed about 2 292 coronavirus infections, on October 7, the number of new patients with COVID-19 was over 3, and a day later – 4. 280. 10 thousand we exceeded October 21 (exactly – 10 thousand. 40 new cases), and 20 thousand. even before the end of the month (on October 29, 20 thousand 156 cases were reported).

The number of deaths also increased. On September 15, the Ministry of Health reported 24 deaths, on October 7, 75 people died, and nine days later – 132. On October 29, 301 deaths were already mentioned.

  1. A disastrous situation in the Lublin region. «We have a record number of infections and this will escalate»

While infections can follow the same path as a year ago, however – thanks to vaccinations – deaths are now much lower. Most deaths were recorded on Tuesday, September 28 – 29.

The same is true for the occupancy of hospitals. Currently, there are 1384 COVID-19 patients in hospitals, a year ago there were over 2.

What restrictions were in force a year ago?

In August last year, the government introduced the obligation to wear masks or helmets in public transport, in generally accessible places (cemeteries, parks, boulevards, botanical gardens, beaches, vehicle parking places – unless a distance of at least 1,5 m was kept), in commercial and service facilities and at markets.

On August 6, the division of poviats into “green”, “red” and yellow “districts was restored”. – After the analyzes, it turns out that we are noting an increase in the incidence in specific poviats. In poviats where there is the greatest increase in infections, we want to introduce restrictions and rigors again, and in poviats where there is less infection, the rigors to a lesser extent – said then Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski.

  1. Poles are less and less afraid of the coronavirus. And they don’t want to get vaccinated

Initially, 9 poviats (mainly in the Śląskie Voivodeship) were marked with red. There was an absolute order to wear protective masks, also outdoors, clubs, discos, sanatoriums, paris entertainment were closed, mass events and cultural events were canceled, and sports events were held without the participation of the public. Limits were introduced for people allowed to stay in gyms, cinemas and means of transport, up to 50 people could participate in weddings or funerals.

The next restrictions were in force from October 10. Then all of Poland found itself in the yellow zone (while leaving the “red counties”). The restrictions that came into force include:

  1. Covering the mouth and nose in public places;
  2. Cultural and sports events with a share of 25 percent. the audience;
  3. 1 person per 7 sq m may stay in gyms and fitness clubs;
  4. Weddings and family celebrations – participation of up to 75 people
  5. Ban on the operation of discos and nightclubs;
  6. Only people working there and currently served clients were allowed to stay in beauty salons and tattoo studios;
  7. A maximum of 150 people could participate in the assemblies, keeping a distance of 1,5 meters or wearing masks.

A week later, the limits on churches and cinemas were even further reduced, gyms and swimming pools were closed, catering establishments could only operate until 21, and colleges and secondary schools switched to hybrid education.

  1. The doctor predicts: the fourth wave will last at least two months. How many infections will there be at the peak

From October 24, all of Poland was in the red zone. In grades 4-8, distance learning was introduced in universities and upper secondary schools, catering establishments could only be taken out, and limits on customers in retail establishments were tightened.

At the end of October last year, the Ministry of Health reported more than 20 thousand. cases a day. Therefore, the government decided that the cemeteries were closed for three days before November 1.

– We have made a decision that on the day preceding All Saints’ Day, All Saints’ Day and the day after – All Souls’ Day, i.e. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, cemeteries will be closed – Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said then.

  1. You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at medonetmarket.pl

What will the government restrict now?

The fourth wave of coronavirus is accelerating, the number of infections in our country is increasing. It can be suspected that exceeding thousands of daily infections is a matter of the next few days.

– Seeing how the number of cases increases and everything accelerates, I’m afraid that a few thousand cases a day in the next month is almost certain, and several thousand cases at the peak are not unrealistic values. The fourth wave, which is now starting, will certainly last at least two months, said the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at SPSK 1 in Lublin, Prof. Krzysztof Tomasiewicz in an interview with PAP.

  1. How to sign up for a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine? [WE EXPLAIN]

Does this mean introducing new restrictions? On Monday, the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, was asked about it.

– At the moment, with this number of infections, we do not expect changes to the restrictions. For October, we have prepared a draft epidemic regulation of the Council of Ministers, which provides for the extension of the restrictions we had in summer and September. The same rules will be kept, ie vaccinated people will not be counted towards the quotas, he said. – In Europe, Poland is a country with relatively fewest infections – he added.

The minister stressed that “vaccination against COVID-19 works”. This can be seen, for example, by the number of people staying in hospitals.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

– We see a huge difference compared to September 2020 in terms of the number of hospitalizations, a year ago there were twice as many – emphasized Niedzielski.

– It gives us hope that we will be able to live more and more normally knowing that COVID-19 is around us – added the minister.

Also read:

  1. Thousands of deaths in emergency rooms. The politician publishes the data, and the ministry translates
  2. Prof. Kołtan: now you won’t have to break the law to get the third dose
  3. In Israel, a record high number of patients on respirators
  4. Record number of infections in highly vaccinated Singapore
  5. Geneticist: we can expect up to another 40. deaths due to COVID-19

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