A woman with two uterus gave birth to triplets

This is a real medical miracle. A woman with two wombs was never expected to have children, while her triplets were born.

Hannah Kersey suffers from uterine malforation, an anatomical defect in the structure of the organ. This ailment affects about 1 percent. all women, but is often mild with fewer symptoms – for example, irregular periods. Hannah’s malforation took the form of III, which means that she developed a double uterus. The doctor who diagnosed the disorder was of the opinion that the woman would not be able to give birth as she would likely miscarry immediately after conception.

A few months ago, Kersey was surprised to learn that she was heavily pregnant. Interestingly, two eggs were fertilized independently in both uterus. Additionally, one of the fertilized cells divided to produce identical twins.

Carrying three babies in two independent wombs is an extremely high-risk pregnancy, but in the end all was successful. Three girls were born: Ruby weighing 1,08 kg, Tilly weighing 0,91 kg and Gracie weighing 1,28.

Historically, there have been cases of twins born from two independent uteri, but the case of Hannah and her little cluster is the first of its kind reported in medicine.

Based on: http://www.news.com.au/

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