A woman was sterilized against her will during a cesarean

Now she and her husband have two children – Harvey is 10 years old, Lacey is 5. And that’s all. Lindsay had to give up her dreams of a family with a bunch of kids. More precisely, the doctors appointed him for her.

“Before the planned cesarean, I was warned that my third pregnancy could end very badly for me, it is literally a risk to my life. Before the operation, the midwife asked me how I was going to protect myself after childbirth, mentioned sterilization, but that was the end of the conversation. I was not ready for such radical methods of contraception, ”Lindsay told the Daily Mail.

The operation is over, Lindsay has recovered from anesthesia. And it is impossible even to imagine what a shock it was for her to learn that from now on she is sterile.

During the cesarean, she was sterilized.

“They didn’t take my consent, I didn’t sign anything. On the contrary, I was assured that nothing of the kind would be done, ”says Lindsay.

And she’s not lying: the court ruled that the hospital should pay the woman £ 25 in compensation. But this is unlikely to compensate for her shattered dreams.

“The doctors simply deprived me of any choice, deprived me of the opportunity to dispose of my body and plans for life,” – Lindsay still cannot forget the grief she suffered.

In theory, another operation can be performed, trying to restore the removed fallopian tubes. But this is a very complex intervention and not necessarily successful. Another option is IVF, which will cost a lot of money.

“My children still ask when they will have a brother or sister. And I cry every time I have to answer that this will never happen, ”says Lindsay.

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