Does your partner help you with chores? Do children participate in household chores? If you answered “no” to both questions, you will be interested to know about the experiment that a resident of the UK decided on. Things didn’t go as smoothly as she expected, but she got her way.
Tired of household chores, Twitter user MissPotkin went on an unusual strike: she decided not to clean the house for three days in the hope that her husband would notice the mess and start doing something himself. The woman scrupulously documented everything that happened in the apartment on the network.
“Two days ago I decided to stop washing dishes. I always cook, and I’m tired of cleaning up after everyone. Such a mountain has already formed in the kitchen, and clean spoons, cups and plates will soon run out. Who will twitch first? Definitely not me, ”the Englishwoman began her report from the scene.
On the third day, the woman reported that her family used the last pot and ran out of spoons, but no one notices anything: everything seems to be as it should. It seemed to the woman that the ice had broken when her husband (“Irish”, as she calls him online) took out the trash. But her joy, unfortunately, did not last long. She soon discovered that he was making tea with a soft baby spoon. And her hopes of success again collapsed.
On the same day, another mountain appeared in the house, only now from clothes. The woman said that she also stopped washing clothes and that it seems that the apocalypse awaits their house. A few hours later, it became clear that the family had run out of toilet paper.
Also, the Englishwoman mentioned in the reports a lone sausage, which had been in the pan for several days. Its author called it “the sausage of death.”
At that moment, when the woman was already completely desperate and thought that the experiment had failed, something happened that gave her hope again: first, the husband began to scrape off the remnants of hardened porridge from the plate to wash it, and then he loaded the dishwasher himself. True, he forgot to press the power button. But I did it a little later.
By evening, toilet paper appeared in the house, and the husband cleaned the apartment a little.
“We did it,” the author wrote on the fourth day, “but I won’t do it again.”
Judging by the comments of subscribers, not everyone appreciated the experiment, many users rushed to condemn the heroine. The woman explained that she just wanted to give a little lesson in order to be heard and understood.
“There are good days, bad days and damn bad days, but we don’t like being taken for granted, especially by those we love the most. Period,” she wrote on her page.
I recall the aphorism of the American humorist Evan Esara: “Homework is what you notice when your wife stops doing it.” It took our heroes several days to turn the tide. But still it happened.
Many women will understand the heroine and even envy her courage, because they themselves have experienced fatigue more than once from constant care for the house and loved ones. And of course, men who are sincerely sure that clean socks in their closet appear on their own, it is worth remembering that sooner or later their partners may get bored with such a balance of power.
Yes, many of us like to take care of loved ones, we can cook, clean, wash, clean, but we so want it not to be taken for granted, as a matter of course. And if men are not ready to take some of the household burden off us, or at least notice the work that we do every day at home, then they should be prepared for such “strike”.