A weed you’ll love. Plantain and its effects
A weed you’ll love. Plantain and its effects

Also known as lanceolate, egg-shaped and sand plantain – another inconspicuous plant, the qualities of which our grandmothers have used for years. Find out why it’s worth having it in your home medicine cabinet!

The family of these plants is large, but one of the most popular is plantain. It used to grow only in Asia and Europe, today it can be found in many places. As with milkweed, plantain is considered a difficult weed in many areas. This is a mistake, because in China this plant has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. However, not only Asians appreciated its properties – also in the times of our grandmothers, it was an obligatory element of the home medicine cabinet.

Common plantain composition. What makes it extraordinary?

Its composition includes numerous, valuable ingredients:

  • Mineral ingredients – incl. potassium, magnesium, zinc,
  • flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • mucous substances,
  • pectins,
  • Vitamins – especially vitamin C, A and K.

Mainly its leaves deserve our attention, although the seeds of this plant are also medicinal.

Properties. What does it help with?

In order to improve health and in everyday use, plantain it will be useful mainly in the context of its expectorant properties and supporting the inhibition of mucus secretion. It is a good medicine for all respiratory diseases, catarrh, cough, colds and all other diseases that make breathing difficult. It will also be a source of relief for people with sinus problems, even with sinusitis, because it dries the mucus, which hinders normal functioning.

That is why it is also recommended for people suffering from it hay fever and allergies. Although it will not replace traditional medicines prescribed by a doctor, it can be an excellent herb supporting treatment. Further properties common plantain have:

  • anti-inflammatory properties,
  • Accelerating wound healing,
  • Alleviating the symptoms of skin diseases (in the form of compresses) – wash the leaves thoroughly in hot water, and after crushing them, apply them to the affected areas and wounds. Grated plantain juice also relieves itching after a mosquito bite, swelling after bruises and swelling,
  • Helping in the case of stomach diseases – catarrh, severe diarrhea,
  • diuretic effect,
  • Supporting immunity – it will help with weak immunity grandmother juice and honey. It can also be used for sore throat and colds.

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