A visit to a gynecologist: what you shouldn’t be afraid of

It doesn’t matter why you need to see a gynecologist. It is important that this prospect does not scare you.

Someone needs a certificate, someone decides to start taking care of their health from Monday, someone starts to seriously worry about delays or periods … It doesn’t matter why you need to see a gynecologist. It is important that this prospect does not scare you. After all, the “first time” happens to everyone – someone at eighteen, someone at twenty-five, someone at thirty. Some fears are valid, but hooray! – it is in your power to prevent trouble.

Visit to the gynecologist

“It will hurt”

Painful sensations arise due to the fact that the woman instinctively contracts, and the doctor has to overcome resistance. In addition, a full bowel often gets in the way. Try voluntarily contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles, alternating between inhaling and exhaling. If you use hygienic tampons – remember how you felt when the examination takes place – this will help you better control your muscles.


You do not have to go to the district clinic, where all the pensioners of your quarter wander from morning to evening, or to the sister-in-law’s cousin, who is ready to receive all relatives at any time and discuss the results of the examination at the table at a family celebration. You can go to a paid specialist or ask a non-talkative girlfriend if she has a doctor you know.

You could have lost your virginity at thirty. You may have lost your head with a stranger at a September XNUMXst party and now you fear the consequences – it’s up to you. The doctor’s attitude to your moral character has nothing to do with treatment.

“Will get nasty and laugh!”

Alas, stories about the delicacy of doctors rival in popularity only with the stories of participants about a collision with traffic police officers. Previously, the audience answered something like “oh yes, domestic medicine!”, But with the appearance on the screens of Dr. House, it became clear that the national mentality had nothing to do with it. Whatever and in whatever tone is told to you – these are the doctor’s problems, not yours. If this happens in a commercial center, you can always complain to the manager.

“What if they find something”

What if they don’t find it in time? Nobody forces you to immediately begin treatment if the doctor imagines some kind of terrible diagnosis. Go to another doctor and check the readings.

“And suddenly they will infect with something”

Nowadays it is difficult to find a medical center where there are no disposable consumables. If you are worried, buy a disposable gynecological kit that includes everything you need (find it on sale Yandex will help). If the room itself seems unsanitary to you, you can just leave.


An initial appointment with a gynecologist in a Moscow clinic costs about the same as a dinner for two in a mid-range cafe. But if tests and examinations are required – see paragraph 4. If you suspect that you have been prescribed unnecessary examinations – find another doctor.

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