DIY bloggers are pearls! Inventive. Impactful, they are full of creative ideas most often of very good taste. According to a latest survey, the French are more and more addicted to DIY. We knew it. So when a party like Christmas approaches, they want to spoil their loved ones even more and make their own gifts. Yes, half of the Christmas gifts will be home-made this year.. And we often prefer to receive a homemade gift than an item bought in a store and already seen. Because what pleases above all, is to be able to personalize !
It is with this in mind that we offer you a selection of ideas snatched from the trendy and influential blogs of the moment. It’s green and creative, right on the trend of the moment: recycling, while making pretty UNIQUE objects!
On the DIY Christmas blogs, put forward decorating ideas to make origami stars, cut paper snowflakes, paper lanterns to hang and personalized gifts.