A very DIY Christmas!

DIY bloggers are pearls! Inventive. Impactful, they are full of creative ideas most often of very good taste. According to a latest survey, the French are more and more addicted to DIY. We knew it. So when a party like Christmas approaches, they want to spoil their loved ones even more and make their own gifts. Yes, half of the Christmas gifts will be home-made this year.. And we often prefer to receive a homemade gift than an item bought in a store and already seen. Because what pleases above all, is to be able to personalize !

It is with this in mind that we offer you a selection of ideas snatched from the trendy and influential blogs of the moment. It’s green and creative, right on the trend of the moment: recycling, while making pretty UNIQUE objects!

On the DIY Christmas blogs, put forward decorating ideas to make origami stars, cut paper snowflakes, paper lanterns to hang and personalized gifts.

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    Enchanted Advent Forest

    The OUiouiouiStudio blog offers an enchanted forest out of the ordinary. Fir trees, glitter, forest animals, candles, magic, discover an original Christmas decoration that throws it on a shelf or a table.

    To discover here: Blog OuiouiouiStudio

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    All round lanterns

    A very nice blog, with lots of super easy ideas to do. As its name suggests, With its 10 little fingers, we can do great things ultimately !

    For the paper lanterns, here is the tutorial on the blog Avecses10petitsdoigts

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    Flower origami

    This blog is one of the most flowery! It makes you want to put roses everywhere and above all to mix with real branches to be placed in vases. For Christmas, treat yourself, do them yourself!

    Easy, everything is explained on the blog wildbirdscollective.com

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    Christmas wreaths

    For fans of crowns, here is a blog with a thousand and one ideas ! Very easy to make, these little wreaths will add an elegant touch to your home, to celebrate Christmas as it should!

    You can find everything on the Allocadeau.com blog

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    Christmas’ balls

    Christmas balls made of paper, it’s classy anyway! We choose a print that we like and presto, we cut it out following a tutorial : )

    On a blog from eastern Europe: kiflieslevendula.blogspot.fr

    And here is the French version: lemeilleurdudiy.com

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    Christmas gifts and balls

    Christmas is: making gifts and hanging baubles on the tree. Lots of beautiful creations on this blog. 


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    Plastic animals

    Great idea and step by step in video, blogger Isnata has incredible ideas! Its magnificent creatures are to be hung from the Christmas tree without hesitation.

    For this realization, she used crazy white plastic, she explains all this very well:

    A blog to discover absolutely: Isnata

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    Paper logs

    On the blog Sanglota, there are “paper logs”! here is 3 traditional paper Christmas logs, to enjoy with your eyes. You can download a choice of three flavors: strawberry, pistachio and chocolate, they are decorated with small characters and decorations to plant. Well, you will also be entitled to the log of your pastry chef, of course!

    Explanations on this blog: Sanglota.com

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    Print box

    Long live recycling and recycling! A gold mine to achieve DIY gifts for Christmas, very easily, thanks to the tutorials and step-by-step:

    We rush here: planetetutos.com

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    Holly deco centerpiece

    To put a festive touch, here is a nice little DIY for decorate your centerpiece for Christmas dinner. On the Creative Moods blog, you will find tips for doing it with your child, very simply, without too much material.

    To see here on the blog: humeurscreatives.com

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    Anemone candle holder

    On the Atelier de Kalua blog, there are charming little candlesticks to make yourself very easily! The effect is really nice.

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    Computer case

    On the Bonjour Darling blog, a pretty ethnic DIY computer kit. With a sewing machine, Hama beads and a simple glue gun, in 1 hour, it’s folded! We follow the tutorial online, it’s super simple: bonjourdarling.com

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