A vegetable garden for the lazy: no hassle with new technology
It turns out that you don’t have to work hard all season to get a decent harvest from your summer cottage. You can create a garden for the lazy, which will require a minimum of effort and will free up a lot of time.
A hassle-free vegetable garden: tips for the lazy
This method of running a dacha economy involves exemption from the most labor-intensive work. At the same time, the harvest does not suffer from this, but on the contrary. You do not have to dig up the soil, do not weed the weeds with a hoe, reduce watering, and do not poison the pests.
A garden for the lazy will allow you to relax more in the country than to work
Instead, we use other options for caring for the garden, which are simple, but more useful than the usual summer cottage activities:
- Mulching. Mulch is an organic soil cover that retains moisture, inhibits weed growth, and protects against crusting after rain. To do this, you can use straw, dry leaves, bark, needles, fresh grass. It fits in the free space of the bed between the stems of the plants;
- The use of siderates. These are plants that are planted to improve the quality of the soil. Oats are great for this. It can be sown after harvest so that fresh seedlings remain in the garden for the winter. They will saturate it with organic matter, which will increase its fertility;
- Selection of vegetable crops. We plant those plants that sprout quickly and are undemanding to care: cucumbers, beans, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, corn. Seedling crops are also suitable – cabbage, peppers, tomatoes.
In order not to cultivate wasted land that will not be used for planting, you need to leave permanent beds. They can be fenced with slate or boards. To increase the yield, fill them with compost.
New technologies for caring for a lazy vegetable garden
The use of this practice involves the refusal to dig up the soil. The authors of advice on lazy gardening argue that breaking the integrity of the soil is not only unhelpful, but even harmful, and for some reason:
- Soil is a whole system inhabited by living organisms: worms, bacteria. Different types of bacteria live at different depths. Digging changes these layers in places, most of the microorganisms die. This reduces the fertility of the soil;
- The natural channels through which water and air pass are violated;
- Weed seeds are carried into the soil.
Instead, the soil needs to be loosened. It is good to use the Fokin plane cutter, making them grooves along and across the soil layer. Also, this tool is useful for getting rid of weeds – they need to be cut at the root. It is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly, until they exceed 10-15 cm in length.