A tragic mistake in a  hospital. The woman died as a result of a medical malpractice

W rosyjskim szpitalu doszło do tragicznej pomyłki i na skutek błędu lekarskiego zmarła 27-letnia Jekaterina Fediawej. Do zdarzenia doszło podczas rutynowej operacji. Pacjentka zamiast kroplówki z solą fizjologiczną otrzymała formalinę. Trwa dochodzenie prowadzone przez rosyjską prokuraturę.

Ekaterina Fediawej was to undergo a routine procedure. During the operation, the 27-year-old was given a formalin drip (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, used, among others, to prevent decomposition of corpses) instead of saline solution. Within two days after surgery, the patient’s condition worsened. The young woman had convulsions, abdominal pain and also vomiting. The woman’s mother, Galina Baryshnikova, claims that the doctors did not inform her that there was a mistake. In addition, she also emphasizes that specialists have not taken any measures to remove the poison from her daughter’s body. The woman accuses doctors from the hospital in Ulyanovsk of “murdering her daughter” – we read on rmf24.pl.

When Ekaterina Fediawa’s condition deteriorated, she was brought to the intensive care unit. At first, the doctors did not want to say what had happened, but it was only after pressure from the patient’s mother that they said there had been a mistake.

After the patient was transported to a hospital in Moscow, unfortunately she was not saved. The woman died as a result of multiple organ failure. But it was only here that Ekaterina’s relatives learned what exactly was the doctors’ mistake.

Based on: rmf24.pl; dailymail.co.uk

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