
Dried and fresh – in any form, dates are a mine of vitamins and a cure for many ailments. They are especially recommended for athletes, because they provide simple sugars, which are a source of energy during intense physical effort.
What are dates good for?
- They protect against atherosclerosisand consequently prevent coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction and stroke.
- They protect against the formation of blood clots due to its action similar to that of aspirin. Unlike it, however, it does not irritate the stomach.
- Thanks to the high content of potassium, dates help maintain normal blood pressure and protect against hypertension.
- Constipation – they allow you to get rid of this troublesome ailment thanks to the high content of fiber. Thanks to it, they have a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis. The fruit can be eaten straight from the package, you can make a compote from it or add it to various dishes. For constipation, however, dried dates are the most recommended – they contain more dietary fiber than fresh fruit.
- For athletes – as it was mentioned above, dates are a rich source of simple sugars that provide energy during physical exertion.
- For nervous people – they support the nervous system thanks to the content of B vitamins. They also contain taurine, which is an effective sleep aid and antidepressant.
- For an acidified body – people suffering from hyperacidity should reach for them – they will certainly help.
Is it for diabetics?
Dates are very sweet. Despite this, they do not contribute to an increase in blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, there is no risk of developing diabetes. They have a completely different effect – they allow you to lower the level of glucose in the blood. However, people suffering from diabetes should avoid these fruits, mainly dried ones due to their high glycemic index.
Who will dates not help?
In addition to people suffering from diabetes, dates should not be eaten by people with gastritis and gastric colic. They are also not recommended for flatulence (they can even increase it) and for people suffering from migraines – they can exacerbate its symptoms.
Fresh and dried – where can you buy them?
In Poland, the most popular are pitted dates, which are quite common and can be found in many grocery stores. When choosing, remember that the date skin should be shiny and free of any damage – then the fruit is valuable. We can buy fresh dates in the online store.
Dates in the kitchen
They are used for the production of flour, palm honey and preserves, e.g. jams. They are also a frequent addition to muesli and baked goods. For true gourmands, they serve as a healthy snack.