A surprising symptom of long COVID. It’s about the brain
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The list of long-term effects of COVID-19 infection continues to grow. In addition to such complications as brain fog or an increased risk of diabetes, sexual dysfunctions are also mentioned. It turns out that the consequence of the disease may also be a reduced brain volume, which the virologist Prof. Włodzimierz Gut.

  1. The coronavirus has been with us since the end of 2019. During this time, we regularly learn about further mutations, symptoms of infection, and the consequences of the disease.
  2. Defeating the virus does not necessarily end the problems associated with infection. Some people have to deal with its long-term effects
  3. A general reduction in the brain has been observed as a late complication after COVID-19, says Prof. Gut
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Why did some COVID-19 variants become dominant? Explains the virologist

Virologist prof. When asked why the latest COVID-19 variant does not exhibit symptoms such as loss of taste or smell, he stressed that with many infections the symptoms that are quite common in the initial period change at a later stage of the virus adaptation. “I would not attach great importance to the variant itself, because there are already thousands of these variants at the moment” – he stressed.

According to prof. Guta virus is the same because it has the same receptor and the same route of entry, i.e. it attacks the same cells. “These are the cells of the vascular system, and therefore the symptoms vary widely” – he explained.

«It is us, with our resilience, our behavior and the elimination of what we detect, that in some way assign periods of dominance to particular variants. Some of them appeared locally and disappeared, others, as a result of inconsistent actions, spread throughout the area »- he said.

In terms of complications, the professor admitted that COVID-19 can primarily attack the vessels in the brain, and this will cause some changes. «For example, an overall reduction in the brain has been observed as a late complication after COVID-19 – and this applies to a large number of people »- he said.

“Restrictions are external actions and have completely different goals than our own security”

When asked about the vaccines against the coronavirus, he replied that they prepare for the infection, but do not protect against it or the disease. “All activities that prevent the transition from individual to individual protect against infection,” he added.

«The current social mobility, which corresponds to the number of people-to-people contacts, is higher than it was before COVID-19 at all. It is understandable because people are tired of being isolated, »he said. «We should learn to react rationally to what surrounds us. We miss a lot for that »- he said.

When asked about the restrictions, the professor explained that “the restrictions are external actions and have completely different goals than our own safety”.

«They are introduced so that certain structures do not break down. And our safety is our business, everyone should take care of themselves »- he emphasized.

He concluded that “the current situation does not threaten the health care system”. (PAP)

Author: Katarzyna Herbut

Check if it’s the coronavirus!

At medonetmarket.pl you will find home tests for SARS-CoV-2:

  1. COVID-19 Rapid Test – Antigenic Test for Self-Control
  2. COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
  3. Home COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex cartridge test
  4. COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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