A strange letter from a failed employer brought a woman to tears

Responding to a vacancy, the woman did not expect that she would receive a non-standard answer. What surprised and upset her?

On Twitter, a woman from London named Kieran shared a screenshot of a strange letter from her employer. She wrote that, having responded to the vacancy, she was completely unprepared for such a wording.

Kieran posted on Twitter an excerpt of the response, which she was denied. But the employer did not stop there and encouraged her to continue to respond to vacancies again and again. The letter also said that many great people have experienced similar situations, but did not give up trying. As a result, no one remembers their failures now.

Examples included the rock band The Beatles, actor Harrison Ford, basketball player Michael Jordan, singer Lady Gaga, businessman and inventor James Dyson, and singer Elvis Presley.

“I am literally in tears from this rejection letter. Did I really need to hear all this? I just saw the vacancy and applied!” Kiran shared her experiences. Her post became very popular, almost four thousand likes were placed under it.

In the comments, many shared her surprise and bewilderment and also wondered why it was necessary to write all this. “Where did they even get this from?” – one of the commenters is amazed. “Sounds like they could have had a superstar but foolishly turned it down,” writes another. In addition, many felt that this was the worst rejection they had ever seen.

We never know how our words will be perceived by the one to whom we are addressing. Even if we “don’t mean anything like that” and just want to support another, our letter, post, comment or statement can offend.

Such a refusal from the employer would not only not offend someone, but also inspired them to further attempts to conquer the career Olympus. Some would feel grateful that the company’s HR tried to sweeten the bitter pill. And someone would think that since they treat the one who is refused so carefully here, it is worth remembering this company for the future and trying to get into its team after all.

It is impossible to predict the reaction of another, especially if he is upset because of other circumstances.

On the other hand, this case helped the company to get feedback. Perhaps now it will reconsider its approach to inspiring rejections and come up with something no less bright, but at the same time not hurting the hearts of those who did not manage to get a job offer.

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