A story about an old cemetery or a baby from the other world

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and guests of the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! Each town or village has its own story about the old cemetery. Sometimes inexplicable phenomena occur in life, which are called mysticism.

Old cemetery and new houses

In the 70s of the last century, the city of N was actively built and expanded right before our eyes. New buildings grew like mushrooms after rain, microdistricts appeared. An old and still functioning cemetery was located within the city limits.

And so the city administration decided that it was necessary to get rid of the old churchyard and build a new microdistrict in its place.

During the demolition of the cemetery, many workers suffered – they fell out of the blue, broke their arms and legs, and received various injuries. Fatalities, however, were not.

Residents of the surrounding areas said that during the demolition of the old churchyard, many people came here. Mostly elderly women. They cried, begged to stop work.

Among them, one lady stood out – an elderly woman in rich clothes, in a hat with a veil. Slender and stately, she behaved very dignified. Perhaps she was a representative of some noble family.

The lady did not sob or beg the workers to stop the demolition of the graves. She didn’t say a word, but there was anger and hatred in her eyes. And everyone who happened to meet her gaze was in a hurry to move away. Of course, no one dared to ask which of her loved ones rests here.

Baby from the other world

Exactly a year later, a nine-story building was built on the site of the old churchyard. My friend Diana, who recently got married, did not hesitate to buy an apartment in this house. The young family had just moved to the city of N and the story about the old cemetery was unknown to them. They were happy with their apartment, but it was not so …

Every night, the newlyweds woke up from strange sounds – they heard the crying of a child. At first they thought it was a neighbor’s child crying, but after talking with the neighbors, it turned out that the young couple living outside the wall had no children yet. In addition, they never heard any child crying at night.

Diana delicately questioned the other neighbors, but everything was quiet with them. True, some admitted that sometimes at night they heard some steps in apartments, incomprehensible rustles, quiet whispers, but no one heard the cry of the child.

After talking with the neighbors and making sure that they did not have any children, Diana inspired herself that she and her husband simply heard the night cry. But, a child from the other world, as if wishing to prove his right to life, began to cry even louder, reaching hysterics. It was terrible!


This went on every night. Diana and her husband slept with the lights on. But once, in connection with repair work, the electricity was cut off in the entire area for a whole day. Therefore, the young slept in complete darkness.

A story about an old cemetery or a baby from the other world

Diana remembered this night for the rest of her life. She was awakened by a light touch. It seemed to her that someone was touching her hair. She opened her eyes and saw a little boy standing by the bed.

He looked at the girl and stroked her hair, tears rolled from the eyes of the baby. He looked like a newborn child, but at the same time he himself was on his feet.

Not remembering herself from fear, Diana wanted to wake up her husband sleeping next to her, but could not even lift a finger. The whole body was shackled, the tongue seemed to be numb. A child’s voice sounded in the girl’s head:

– Mom, Mom, I really need you! Why aren’t you around? I want you to come back to me.

Diana cried silently as she looked at this abandoned baby. At that moment, she wanted to hug him to her, hug and regret, but her shackled body could not do this. After standing this way for several minutes, the image of the child melted into thin air.

In the morning, Diana decided by all means to find out what had happened here. And why does this boy constantly come to her. She talked to local old women, and something in this story became clear.

Without the right to life

Even in pre-revolutionary times, in the very area where the cemetery was located, there lived one rich man, either a merchant or a noble family.

And he had an unusually beautiful and well-mannered daughter. He married her off to a man of their class. The young people lived in peace and harmony, but they never had great love.

A revolution suddenly began. One evening a pack of drunken bandits broke into their estate. Shouting: “All power to the people! Hit the rich! ” they destroyed everything around, fought among themselves for the money and jewelry they found.

Mother and child

Then the four bastards went up to the second floor of the house, where a young noblewoman was getting ready for bed. Her husband was at that time in the war. The bandits pounced on the girl and mocked the unfortunate woman until the morning. Having made a lot of arrogance and taking away the last jewels, the “gallant” revolutionaries withdrew.

After some time, the woman realized that she was pregnant from rapists. When her husband returned from the war, she had just over a month before giving birth. The young wife did not admit her guilt and honestly told her husband what had happened.

She counted on understanding from him, but in vain – her husband disgustedly turned away from her and left the room. In due time, she gave birth to a boy. When the birth was over, the baby was taken away.

No matter how she asked the young mother to look at her son with at least one eye, it was all in vain. The fact is that the woman’s husband paid a lot of money to the doctors. For them to kill this child immediately after giving birth.

A story about an old cemetery or a baby from the other world

What exactly was done with the baby is still unknown. A little later (of course, also not for free), the doctor’s assistant told the woman where the boy’s grave was. Since then, the young lady came to the cemetery every day.

In an expensive dress, in a hat with a veil, tall, stately, she stood silently near the children’s grave. And only a few decades later, the old churchyard was razed to the ground and no one else saw the young lady in this area.

The story about the old cemetery made Diana exchange the ill-fated apartment for a more relaxed option. But she still cannot forget the ghostly boy who stroked her hair.

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