😉 Greetings to new and regular readers of the site! The story about a friend is a real-life case. I hope you find it interesting to know this story.
Three girlfriends
Anfisa was the best friend of my cousin Nastya. Active, beautiful, with a great sense of humor, she has always enjoyed success, both among her peers and among adults.
School teachers turned a blind eye to unlearned lessons and clearly overestimated grades, there was no end to the fans. On the part of the parents, the girl was allowed much more than her peers.
In general, everything in life was given to Anfisa somehow easily, without tension. Nastina’s mother, looking at all this, said: “The girl is so spoiled by life. If only she didn’t present the bill ”.
Anfisa’s parents were sure that their daughter was the most beautiful and most obedient girl in the world. And the daughter, in turn, was sure that all her pranks would remain a secret for her parents.
In a word, it was so: the girlfriends were already running around the discos at full speed, sometimes they drank beer in the evenings. And once they even smoked a pack of cigarettes for three. Needless to say, Nastya and Marinka got a belt at home, and Anfiska, as usual, got away with it?
No, it was not envy that spoke in Nastya when she told me this story. She is generally not an envious person by nature. But always, when her parents punished her, she sincerely wondered: why does life treat them so differently?
Three girlfriends do the same thing. But Nastya and Marinka always pay in full, and Anfiska at least henna.
So the school time flew by. It’s time to go to college. Nastasya entered an economic university, Marina went to the Institute of Foreign Languages as a translator, and Anfisa went to a medical school, as a doctor.
Unlike her friends, she sincerely considered herself an adult. I went to nightclubs, could not spend the night at home, did not hide from my parents that she smoked. In a word, she behaved somewhat frivolously, while Nastasya and Marina did not allow this.
Storytelling is quick. Student years flew by and immediately after graduating from university, Anastasia married a good and decent guy. Marina was also going to get married, but a little later.
But Anfisa was still lonely. She didn’t even have a permanent boyfriend. And this is at Anfiska – the first beauty of the region! At the wedding, the bride noticed something like envy in her friend’s eyes. The girl sat quietly, on the sidelines, and for the first time in her life was not the center of attention. Nastya even felt sorry for her friend.
And now, a few months after the wedding, my cousin suddenly began to get sick. A good job, a loving husband, her own apartment – she had everything. But the young and once healthy girl could not get on her feet after a severe sore throat.
The bosses were already beginning to glance disapprovingly towards Anastasia: they say, young, beautiful, good specialist and does not get out of sick leave. After a severe form of sore throat, the girl started having heart problems, then with kidneys and blood vessels.
Nastya spent whole months in the hospital, lost a lot of weight, grew thin, changed in her face: from a young and attractive woman, she literally turned into an old woman. The husband could not find a place for himself – he dragged his wife to the best clinics in the city, arranged for her to see the best doctors.
But none of them was able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. And Nastya has already begun to visit the darkest thoughts …
Boomerang for a friend
“Honey,” her husband began cautiously, sitting down on the edge of the hospital bed. – I hope you won’t be mad at me? In general, there is one woman working in our department, she is a witch … well, or a clairvoyant, a psychic, I don’t know how they call it correctly.
In short, she asked for your photo, wants to see it. Would you mind if I show it to her? You never know … What if it helps?
– This is all complete nonsense! – Nastya dismissed. – I do not believe in all this nonsense. In other matters, it makes no difference to me …
She was almost exhausted. Even the conversation with her husband was very difficult for her. And he himself caused irritation – all so healthy, handsome, handsome …
The very next evening, her husband ran to Nastya at the hospital, being in strong indignation.
– Honey, you have no idea what I learned! That woman from my department … well, the same clairvoyant who asked for your photo … In short, she said that it was not a disease. You have been badly damaged and if you remove it, you will recover!
And yet, she said that it was done by a woman with whom you have a very close communication. Maybe this is one of your friends?
Nastya very well remembered this whole conversation, as well as the fact that he did not impress her at all. She desperately wanted to sleep. An endless series of illnesses weakened the girl so much that she had absolutely no desire to look for the culprit of her troubles …
“I see,” she nodded blankly. And the husband did not calm down:
– No, well, who could it be ?! Maybe someone envies you? Well, nothing, nothing, I’ll figure out this scoundrel! Everything will return to her a hundredfold, and you will definitely get better!
With these words, the husband went home. Nastya did not attach any importance to his words. She was tired of these diseases and hospital walls and dreamed of only one thing – to fall asleep and not wake up …
But literally the next morning, the girl felt much better. She ate breakfast with pleasure, which greatly surprised her attending physician and roommates. She still could not stand on her own feet and walk along the hospital corridor, but … when her husband came, his wife was solving crosswords with a smile on her face.
For the first time in a long time, she finally smiled! He almost cried with happiness! A few days later, Anastasia was released home for the weekend. And a week later she was discharged from the hospital – she fully recovered. On the day of discharge, the sister asked her husband about his story about spoilage and some boomerangs …
– Well, do you remember my colleague – a psychic? So she helped, removed the damage from you – the husband answered evasively.
An interesting coincidence: translated from Greek, the name Anastasia means – resurrected, immortal, return to life.
And then – a terrible story! On the same evening, there was a call from Marinka: “Hello, Nastya … You probably don’t know yet … Forgive me. Until the last moment I didn’t want to tell you … Anfisa died. They will be buried tomorrow … “
Of course, Nastya came to her friend’s funeral. She did not recognize Anfiska in the coffin: from a luxurious beauty she turned into an ancient old woman.
– Was she seriously ill? – Nastya looked inquiringly at Marina.
The husband and girlfriend pursed their lips and looked down. And the mother of the deceased lamented at the coffin: “How so ?! You were so young, healthy, so beautiful! How could this happen ?! Probably, someone was very jealous and wished you harm! “
You will not believe…
Marina took her friend by the hand and took her aside. – Nastya, you won’t believe it. But the person who corrupted you and almost sent you to the next world was Anfisa.
When your husband’s colleague performed a ceremony to remove damage, our friend burned down in just a week. Her heart ached sharply, the kidneys and liver began to fail, and a little later her legs failed – it seemed that Marina herself did not believe her own words.
– No, it can’t be! Our Anfisa ?! My best friend?! We talked with her from the very kindergarten! I do not believe! Is that really true?
Then her husband came up and confirmed everything that Marina said. Nastya has never been so hurt. The thought of being her best friend, whom she has always been proud of and admired. Whom she believed, as she loved herself and loved as her own sister, she betrayed her like that, she was unbearable.
But even more terrible was the thought that Nastya was indirectly involved in her death. Of course, in the depths of her soul, she perfectly understood that Anfisa herself was to blame. But living by reason alone is not as easy as it seems …
“The girl is so spoiled by life. If only she didn’t show the bill ”- the prophetic words of Nastya’s mother flared up in my memory. In other matters, now everything fell into place. But the bill was presented to her not by life, but by herself.
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