A story about a cat who saved the life of his owner

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, this is an amazing story about a cat from real life. There is nothing mystical about it, but there are many interesting facts that make one think that the guardian angel still exists. So, the story about the cat …

Valeria met Barsik during the most difficult period of her life. It was then that a real black streak began for her: her husband with her one-year-old son in his arms left her, withdrew all the common money from bank accounts. On top of that, Leroux was fired from her job, and her ex-mother-in-law threatened her and promised to sue the child.

At the edge of the abyss

After a difficult divorce, the woman’s nerves were on edge. The husband decided to take away the apartment from his ex-wife, throwing them together with his son into the street. Lera sent the child to her mother in the village so that the baby would not see her daily tantrums and hear endless scandals on the phone.

Left alone in the apartment, she gave free rein to emotions – roared excitedly, smashed the dishes. In a desperate state, she decided to kill herself. In such a situation, people often experience temporary clouding of their minds …

Valeria was terribly tired of constant humiliation from the once loved one, who is the father of her child, could not come to terms with betrayal. But most of all, the chilly autumn weather acted on my nerves – strong winds and endless rain knocking on the windows. Unable to endure any longer, she put on her coat and went out into the street.

The woman was not afraid of what she was about to do. The nasty downpour only intensified the apathy. Only a few steps separated Leroux from the death – she decided to go out on the road and throw herself under the car. Who would have thought that at this fateful moment Fate would send her a guardian angel in the form of a homeless kitten?


Approaching the road, in the headlights Lera suddenly saw a wet kitten, he mewed plaintively.

“Kis-kis,” the woman called.

The kitten happily ran up to her and began rubbing his wet fur on her legs.

– Forgive the cat, but I have to go! She said, and set off, as it seemed to her then, on her last journey. But the kitten did not even think to leave her alone – he squeaked shrilly and ran after.

Lera closed her eyes and stepped onto the roadway. At that moment, the kitten literally grabbed her leg. There was a squeal of brakes and a swearing from the driver:

– Are you crazy ?!

– Excuse me, my kitten ran out on the road, – Lera justified herself, holding a wet ball of wool in her hands.

– Okay, both get into the car, I’ll take you! And why doesn’t sit at home in such a downpour, ”the driver muttered.

Half an hour later, he and Mikhail drank coffee at Valeria’s house, and, washed from the dirt, the kitten ate sour cream from a saucer. The Savior was given a name – Barsik.

A story about a cat who saved the life of his owner

As it turned out, Mikhail also recently divorced. His wife left him in exchange for a rich lover. Common problems brought two people closer together. Six months later, they got married, Valeria’s son began to call Mikhail dad.

Feline revenge

Despite the cute face and cute appearance, the Barsik cat was a real prankster. Torn wallpaper and broken dishes have become the norm in the home of a young family. Even the neighbors suffered from his tricks.

The little scoundrel specialized mainly in thefts. For example, once he managed to steal a whole fish lying on a neighbor’s balcony. And this was in front of the amazed mistress, who did not even have time to recover – the tailed thief quickly grabbed the prey and was like that.

Having lived for several years in a marriage with Mikhail, Valeria finally understood what family happiness is. In marriage, a wonderful daughter was born – Anna. But one day, the woman’s happiness was threatened. The ex-husband Anatoly showed up and began to demand a meeting with his son. He came to work, threw tantrums, threatened to take away the child.

One evening, when Lera was returning home, Anatoly watched her at the entrance. He pushed her against the wall and grabbed her roughly by the throat.

– Now you will pay me until my son comes of age! Got it, creature ?! Otherwise, I will sue Andrey from you at any moment! He hissed angrily. – I look, you live gorgeous with your new khakhal!

Lera understood that Anatoly was very drunk, she could not cope with her tormentor, because physically he was much stronger. Pushing his ex-wife onto the lawn, he began to beat her furiously.

Suddenly there was a thud. Anatoly collapsed to the ground. It turned out that Barsik went out for a walk on the balcony and accidentally pushed down a pot of cactus, which hit exactly the head of a drunken monster. Or maybe this is a cat’s revenge for the mistress?

With trembling hands, Lera took the phone out of her bag and dialed Mikhail’s number. He called an ambulance and the police. The hospital confirmed that Anatoly was very drunk. The police removed the beatings from Valeria and opened a criminal case against her ex-husband. Law enforcement officers forbade the aggressive alcoholic to approach his son.

Fluffy angel

When Barsik was three years old, he became a real handsome man! Its gray, well-groomed coat attracted all the surrounding cats and annoyed the local cats, whose reputation was severely damaged.

– Here is a tomboy! – Mikhail sighed, smiling, watching the cat showdown from the balcony. In the courtyard of the house, Barsik fought with a neighbor’s cat for the heart of another “lady”.

– Maybe we can take him to the dacha? – offered Valeria. Mikhail readily agreed. Then they did not yet know that this decision would save their lives.

On the very first day of his stay at the dacha, Barsik climbed the entire plot, fought with three cats, stole fried fish from the pan and, completely satisfied with his misdeeds, sweetly dozed on the master’s bed.

At night Mikhail was awakened by a heart-rending cat scream … The cat jumped on the man’s chest and, meowing loudly, grabbed at him with its claws.

– Lera, wake up! Wake up soon! – her husband was shaking her by the shoulders.

Valeria opened her eyes. Barsik the cat was screaming, and the room was filled with a pungent smell of gas. Grabbing the children and the cat, the family ran out into the yard. When they were on the street, there was an explosion.

– You are incredibly lucky that you left the premises on time! – said the firefighters. It turned out that there was a gas leak in the house, the cause of which was a faulty cylinder.

The family lost their country house, but everyone survived thanks to Barsik, who sensed something was wrong and woke up the owner. Upon returning home, the cat was rewarded with two kilograms of pollock.

Having lived to the age of fifteen, Barsik died. He was buried in the country under an apple tree. The husband and children want to have a new cat, but Lera is not ready for this yet. Until now, she is haunted by the question: “Who really was her beloved cat? An ordinary yard cat or her guardian angel? “

Friends, do you have an interesting story about a cat? Tell me, please!

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