A step forward: how marketers use TikTok interactive

Today, the main channel for attracting customers is social networks and online services, and the main criterion for engagement is coverage and comments. How to find your voice in this digital noise? Let’s talk about TikTok campaigns as an example

About the expert: Vladlena Obukhova, managing director of BBDO Moscow, member of the Perspectum Awards jury.

Generation TikTok

TikTok today is not just a social network, but a unique platform where everyone can express themselves and become popular all over the world. The audience of the service in 2020 exceeded 1 billion users.

In our country, TikTok ranks fourth in popularity among all social networks, ahead of, for example, Facebook. It is used by 39,5 million people over the age of 12, which is more than 32% of the total population. Now the main audience of TikTok has “matured up”: now they are not teenagers, but young people from 18 to 35 years old.

Creative content is valued here. Therefore, simply adapting posts from other social networks will not work: you need to create something special, specifically for this platform.

How does it work in practice? Let’s talk about three case studies.

Case No. 1: Ozone


Engage the maximum number of TikTok users in interaction with the brand.


New Media Workshop and Ozon’s marketing communications team came up with an idea for a challenge: “Everything you have at home can be found on Ozon.”

The main faces of the campaign were bloggers from the Tiktoker house XO Team. All the furniture and clothes were taken out of the house, and only two applications were left on the influencers’ smartphones – TikTok and Ozon. Within a month, they ordered everything on Ozon, posted a video about this on TikTok, and earned on the following purchases with likes: 1 like = ₽1.

Other users also joined the flash mob. At the end of the project, with the remaining likes, Tiktokers bought gifts for their subscribers and placed them in Ozon post offices across the country.

The results

  • 2,6 million videos with the hashtag #ozonzondom gained 7,5 billion views, and the hashtag entered the top 3 in popularity.
  • In two months, more than 50 million unique users became the audience of the campaign.
  • Increased brand awareness and loyalty among young audiences.

Case #2: Goldfish


Campbell’s makes crackers under the Goldfish brand. It was important for the brand to get rid of the image of children’s snacks and attract older consumers. In addition, in 2020, quick snacks at work or on the road have become irrelevant, and cracker sales have fallen. This also prompted the company to look for new ways of development.


The Saatchi & Saatchi New York agency found that, unlike children, adults typically eat handfuls of crackers rather than one at a time.

Thus, the idea of ​​the #GoForTheHandful TikTok challenge was born. The creative team asked NBA athletes to show how many Goldfish crackers they could hold and posted a video asking “Can you hold more Goldfish crackers than NBA players?”

The most powerful challenge was the video where the strongest NBA player Boban Marjanovic, known for his big size and arms, scooped up 301 crackers. The one who can break Boban’s record was promised to be appointed as the official representative of Goldfish, and 25 other participants were promised huge branded bags.

The results

  • The brand’s TikTok audience for the first two days of the campaign was half of the monthly average.
  • #GoForTheHandful content received 7,9 billion views, while Boban’s TikTok gained 1 million organic views in 12 hours.
  • Ads on TikTok scored 450% more views than similar campaigns.
  • Goldfish’s TikTok account grew from 40 to 108 followers in three days.

Case #3: ARBY’S


Arby’s, an American fast-food restaurant chain, is faced with the need to attract a younger audience.


On October 22, 2020, @h1t1 posted a TikTok video about his online purchase of a $25 TV that only showed the Arby’s menu and nothing else. The video was quickly gaining popularity, and the brand decided to take advantage of this unique chance.

Together with the Fallon agency, they decided to launch a challenge, allegedly with the aim of returning the TV, which belongs to one of the restaurants. Other users immediately joined in and began to shoot similar videos with different equipment, tagging Arby’s. It all turned into a popular conspiracy theory meme.

The chain itself posted “We want our TV back” signs in its restaurants and even launched planes with a similar message. Arby’s also sent the user who filmed the original video a new TV that was broadcasting the “Missing $5 Menu,” a “secret” special that millions of users learned about in this way.

The results

  • The number of brand followers on TikTok increased by 88% in a month to 250.
  • In total, more than 14 thousand videos with a meme about TV and Arby’s were posted, which gained more than 273 million views.
  • The potential coverage of the campaign amounted to more than 1 billion readers of those media that wrote about this event (and this is simultaneously with the presidential election).
  • Arby’s has sold over 3 Lost Menu meals. At the same time, 000% of customers visited restaurants for the first time or returned after a long break.

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