A stench from the mouth

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Stinking from the mouth is a symptom of poor hygiene, but it can also indicate diseases of the mouth, nose or respiratory system. Stench from the mouth may occur as a consequence of decaying food lingering in the dental scales.

A stench from the mouth …

Bad breath is a common condition that Americans consider a normal disease. This is obviously a very subjective term, but bad mouth odor is a smell that differs significantly from the normal one: it causes disgust among others and limits interpersonal contacts. In Poland, the problem of stinking from the mouth is not treated very seriously, despite the fact that it hinders everyday functioning in society and even discourages the employer. In general, bad mouth odor is associated with poor oral hygiene, but this is not always the cause. Some of the causes of mouth gas are located further down the digestive tract or are associated with systemic disease.

Stench from the mouth – the most common causes

Stinking from the mouth occurs not only as a consequence of inadequate oral hygiene, but is also a consequence of excessive decomposition of food deposited in the tooth scale, in ulcers or diverticula of the esophagus, in the stomach with acid-free rhinitis, as well as with stenosis of the pylorus, causing excessive gastric upset and prolonged food retention in it.

Sometimes – it may also be a symptom of respiratory system ailments, such as bronchiectasis, purulent bronchitis or lung abscess, or an expression of metabolic disorders in failure of specific organs, e.g. in uremia (in renal failure), in hepatic coma (in liver failure), or in metabolic acidosis in the uncontrolled period of diabetes.

Other factors contributing to the formation of a foul odor from the mouth are:

  1. tooth decay (especially untreated),
  2. gastritis,
  3. ketoacidosis (occurring in the course of type I diabetes),
  4. gastroesophageal reflux, causing (partially) digested food to flow back from the stomach into the esophagus
  5. liver failure
  6. angina,
  7. tonsil abscesses,
  8. chronic tonsillitis,
  9. chronic sinusitis,
  10. inflammation of the oral cavity,
  11. diseases with reduced salivation (as you know, saliva plays a very important role because it rinses out food debris in the mouth),
  12. smoking and alcohol abuse,
  13. menstruation and menopause, during which less saliva is secreted, which causes bacteria to multiply
  14. a stress hormone that increases sweating and inhibits salivation (dry mouth due to nervousness),
  15. the use of slimming diets (especially low-calorie diets, which often lead to dehydration).

Note: Stench from the mouth in some cases may even be associated with a developing cancer of the digestive or respiratory system, accompanied by, for example, tissue breakdown (cancer of the stomach, esophagus, larynx).

In any case of persistent mouth odor, the cause should be determined by a doctor.

Foul smell from the mouth – symptoms

Perceiving the foul odor from your own mouth is not the only symptom that makes you suspect a possible cause for this state of affairs. The following are also very important in the diagnosis of foul odor from the mouth:

  1. toothache (e.g. with eating or spontaneous) – may indicate dental problems. Also, tooth decay (especially if left untreated) can cause an unpleasant smell from the mouth (it is related to putrefactive processes, during which it produces gases with an unpleasant smell);
  2. burning and irritation of the mucosa of the tongue and oral cavity – indicates the presence of neoplastic, infectious and inflammatory conditions. The cause can be, for example, fungi or bacteria;
  3. dry mouth – may be related to medications or Sjögren’s syndrome. Dry mouth is caused by, for example, cholinolytics, which include antiemetics, preparations for gastroesophageal reflux disease, preparations used in bronchial asthma. Sjögren’s syndrome, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease affecting the exocrine glands, which, in addition to dry mouth, also causes dry eye syndrome. It is more common in women than in men (over XNUMX). The cause of the ailment is not fully understood, although there is talk of some association with viruses and histocompatibility antigens;
  4. high temperature and inflammation visible on the basis of ESR and CRP. Inflammatory changes can be caused by foreign bodies that constantly irritate the mucosa, thus leading to inflammation and, in extreme cases, to cancer (for example, a poorly fitted dentures). Many neoplastic lesions are inconspicuous at first, resembling an ordinary ulcer or aphthae. For this reason, patients often postpone visiting a doctor, believing that it is a temporary change that will disappear on its own. Unfortunately, at this time the neoplasm begins to develop and grows in size, and the patient consults the doctor only at an advanced stage of the disease;
  5. excessive thirst, a large amount of urine, weakness and lethargy – symptoms indicating ketoacidosis in the course of diabetes;
  6. pain in the jaw, nose and forehead area and runny nose – it is possible that we are dealing with paranasal sinusitis;
  7. heartburn, coughing, belching and hyperacidity – these are symptoms usually indicative of gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  8. hoarseness for more than two weeks, pain when swallowing, pain when speaking, and haemoptysis are all signs suggesting that you are developing cancer of the larynx. Then an ENT examination is necessary.

Do I have an unpleasant smell from my mouth?

It is not difficult to check if we have an unpleasant smell from the mouth. You can ask a loved one about it or check it yourself, e.g. two hours after a meal (then the mouth contains the most bacteria). The condition, however, is not to use gums for life beforehand and refrain from brushing your teeth. How to check? Here are some ways:

  1. Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out as far as possible. Then rub your fingers over the back of your tongue (several times) and smell your fingers.
  2. Use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces, then smell the floss after 30 seconds.
  3. Scrub your teeth with a dry toothbrush for about three minutes (remember not to use water or toothpaste for this). Then, after half a minute, smell your toothbrush.

The smell that lingers on a toothbrush and floss is the same as the smell that comes out of our mouths.


Finding the cause of your foul odor should primarily be based on your symptoms. In the event that the problem of foul odor from the mouth is related to local symptoms in the area of ​​the mouth or larynx – you should first consult an ENT or dentist. Only a specialist orders further diagnostic tests, e.g. a histopathological examination or an oral swab. On the other hand, when the patient has severe gastrointestinal symptoms, he should go to the gastroenterologist for diagnosis, who will recommend, for example, gastroscopy.

Stench from the mouth – the procedure

W home pre-medical procedure belongs:

  1. take care of oral hygiene and brush your teeth regularly (especially when the cause of a foul-smelling mouth is improper oral hygiene),
  2. take care of the proper condition of teeth,
  3. treat chronic strep throat and catarrh of the respiratory tract,
  4. correct digestive processes of the digestive tract with a diet.

Treatment of foul-smelling mouth should be causal. In order to be able to implement the appropriate treatment, it is necessary to find the cause of this unpleasant ailment.

How to care for the oral cavity?

  1. remember to brush your teeth (thoroughly) twice a day,
  2. use dental floss,
  3. use fluoride mouth rinses,
  4. use oral care products that contain fluoride, incl. Toothpaste,
  5. follow a proper diet (try to avoid snacking between meals).

Practical advice:

  1. if the foul odor from the mouth is caused by stomach problems, you can drink licorice or dandelion decoction,
  2. in the course of sinus and throat problems, he may chew fennel seeds or coffee beans (between meals),
  3. if you suffer from neurosis and your mouth often becomes dry – chew a lemon slice or a mint leaf; it could also be drinking lemon water.

In order to refresh your breath, it is worth using Propolia BeeYes Refreshing Propolis Lozenges with Honey and Eucalyptus.

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