A Spanish cheese: the most expensive in the world and in history

A Spanish cheese: the most expensive in the world and in history

A Spanish cheese: the most expensive in the world and in history

A piece of Cabrales cheese from the Asturian cheese factory Valfríu de Tielve went up for auction on the last Sunday in August and it was paid at 14.500 euros. After months of cross-checking data, the specimen has been registered as the most expensive cheese in the world and in history.

Your buyer, Iván Suárez, manager of the Oviedo restaurant in The Llagar de Colloto He describes it as “a strong cheese, very spreadable and tender.” Within Cabrales, according to those who have tried it, “it has a special texture and creaminess. One piece invites another to eat«.

The Guinness Book of Records records the quality of the local gastronomy, and this for the Asturian is very symbolic: “a unique situation.” He managed to bring the name Asturias to exquisite lovers of good food and placed it on the narrow map of international news. Giving him the place that corresponds to his country makes him proud: «I felt that I was doing something for our people and for our land. Because the product was born from the hands of Asturian workers, honest and hardworking ».

The delicatessen, weighing two kilos, is valued at 6.085 euros per kilo after the event organized by the gastronomic communication company Gustatio. Iván Suárez confesses that “Was fooled”. It was the first time I was at an auction and he claims to have been “excited” with the environment.

«We went biting and raising the bid until we realized that we overcame the records established, both that of the most expensive Cabrales in the world and that of the most expensive cheese in the world«.

The Spaniard could not resist the temptation to surpass the mark: «All my life I will be able to say that I am in the Guinness».

Jessica López, the owner of the Designation of Origin has declared that for her this recognition is “a satisfaction” and is proud that Cabrales is in the news for exceed quality standards.

The cabraliega cheese factory had already won the XXXI European Blue Cheese and Marbled Pasta Competition organized by the Cofradía de los Quesos de Cantabria. In second place was the Los Puertos de Poo de Cabrales cheese factory and the bronze went to the El Cares de Arenas cheese factory.

Half of this cheese still exists, Suárez save half vacuum packed because, being an iconic product, you don’t know what you are going to do with it.

The other half enjoyed it your family and your birthday guests. He also tried to invite the squads of the local soccer teams, but due to scheduling issues it was not possible.

The most expensive cheeses in the world

The most expensive cheese on the market is Pulé cheese, which is made from donkey milk on a farm in the Zasavica nature reserve, west of Belgrade. The shortage of the product and the difficulty of extracting milk from these animals make this dairy a luxury: it costs 1.260 euros per kilo.

From a donkey you get per year 20 liters of milk, the same as a European cow produces in 24 hours. To make a cheese, the usual thing is that 25 liters are needed.

On the farm, which has been in operation since 1997, of the 190 native breed donkeys that inhabit it alone 20 are available to give milk and be milked by hand.

The fruit of this work has very special characteristics: keeps for 7 months and only has between 0,5 and 1% fat and it does not have casein, a substance that coagulates in milk.

The cheese sueco Moose House slope 900 euros per kilo and it is obtained from female elk, three are milked and only between May and September.

The third most expensive cheese on the market is English and is made by the Long Clawson’s Stilton Gold, a “premium” cheese dairy that sprinkles its products with edible gold. Its price shoots up to 750 euros per kilo.

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