A source of health and energy. Summer fruits and their properties
A source of health and energy. Summer fruits and their properties

Although we should eat fruit all year round, they are especially valuable in summer. The more variety, the better – it is important not to fall into monotony, which is not conducive to a healthy diet. Variation is the key to health success. Nature knows best what we need – reaching for seasonal vegetables and fruits can bring a lot of good.

They help to quench thirst, are a source of vitamins, microelements, satiate, facilitate digestion and relieve stress. Fruits are valuable for the proper functioning of our entire body. In summer, due to the heat and changeable weather, the diet should provide us with enough energy.

Holiday menu. Eat and grow strong

In the summer, it is good to remember to eat 5 portions of fruit or vegetables, or juice squeezed from them, every day. The natural vitamins and trace elements contained in them will help maintain health and well-being for many months. The body is unable to store many beneficial ingredients. One of them is vitamins. They play a huge role in building our well-being and efficient functioning.

A perfect example here will be vitamin C, which is most easily absorbed in its natural form, i.e. contained in food. In addition, it is flushed out of our body every day, removed with urine. That’s why you need to supply it regularly. To make sure you don’t run out of vitamin C, try to consume the following daily, at regular intervals:

  • a glass of juice,
  • one apple,
  • Or a handful of dried fruit.

Of course, dried ones are recommended mainly in cooler periods, in the summer try to reach for the freshest fruit possible – the recently picked ones have the most valuable properties and vitamins.

Why does “seasonal” mean “better”?

Because Mother Nature has adapted our body so that it has its needs at certain times of the year. They change with the natural rhythm, the passage of time. On hot days, we want to drink more, and seasonal fruits and vegetables offer us just what we need – for example, they quench our thirst. Enjoy the benefits of summer and reach for them at every possible opportunity.

Fruits that are especially worth eating in the summer:

  • Melons – a source of vitamins C, A (important for the skin and the immune system), folic acid.
  • Watermelons – the redder the better. They contain lycopene that strengthens the heart, fiber that improves digestion and facilitates the removal of toxins from the body, as well as valuable pectins.
  • Berries – strawberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries. They contain valuable antioxidants that prevent the development of free radicals. Blueberries also have anthocyanins and flavonoids that enhance vision.

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