Why do some people dream for years of career growth or the attention of those who are not indifferent to them, while others can do everything without difficulty? It may seem that it’s all about luck: those who do not care about it, go through life with a smile. But it is not so! It is “smile” that is the key word here. Having learned to win over people with its help, you can get additional bonuses and make your dreams come true. The main thing is that it is really worth it!
If you want to please someone – just smile! Women constantly use this technique to find the key to the heart of their beloved man or boss. A smile can be joyful, interested, pleading, surprised, sympathetic … But the main thing is that it should be beautiful and open. Otherwise, it will be of little use! If your teeth are not white enough and you, embarrassed by this, smile with your lips or cover your mouth with your hand, the interlocutor perceives this behavior as a reason for distrust. And the chances of success are reduced!
This is evidenced by research by psychologists from King’s College London. They asked volunteers to characterize smiling women from photographs. Those whose teeth looked darkened were given more years than they actually were. And besides, they were considered not as smart, successful and outgoing as the owners of white-toothed smiles. Draw your own conclusions!
But why do teeth still lose whiteness? This is due to food dyes, smoking, taking certain medications and dental problems – drooping gums or a violation of the integrity of the enamel: cracks, chips and other defects are prone to staining. And also such places become very sensitive. Indeed, at the same time, dentin is exposed, permeated with thousands of microscopic tubules leading to the nerve endings of the tooth, which react sharply to cold, hot, sweet. At different points in life, 57% of people suffer from increased tooth sensitivity. They can be recognized by the way they freeze from sudden pain when this problem reminds of itself, and by the darkening on the tooth enamel.
To restore their natural whiteness, scientists have developed a toothpaste Colgate®SensitiveFor—Relieftm + Whitening with the exclusive Pro-Argin formulaTM… It not only provides instant pain relief, but also gently and gently whitens tooth enamel. And with regular use, it creates a protective barrier against hypersensitivity. Unlike other toothpastes for sensitive teeth, this one uses an innovative technology that dentists have already begun to use to relieve pain in patients. Now that your smile is so beautiful, it’s time to calculate the bonuses you get for it. Summing up, you will surely see that the arrow on the scale of your success is headed upward. And this is just the beginning!
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