A small mole can turn into a big disaster.

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They say that skin is a mirror of human health. Skin diseases are not only cosmetic troubles, but can even be life threatening. Particular attention should be paid to skin neoplasms.

Moles require close attention

Tumor skin lesions are both benign and malignant. They arise as a result of pathological proliferation of tissue cells. Benign neoplasms include warts, moles, papillomas, lipomas, angiomas, adenomas and others. To malignant – melanoma, sarcoma, epithelioma… A special group is made up of precancerous skin tumors: leukoplakia, cutaneous horn, senile keratoma and others. Most of the skin neoplasms should be removed, since in case of injury (for example, the neoplasm is located in the area of ​​the bra fastener) or insolation (the influence of ultraviolet radiation), there is a high probability of their malignant transformation.

There are a lot of factors that can trigger the process of uncontrolled cell division, but the main predisposing factor for skin neoplasms is its frequent injuries, as a result of which the cells have to regenerate quite actively. As a result, control over their division is lost. All types of radiation, including X-ray and solar radiation, provoke skin neoplasms. Hereditary predisposition and fair skin with an abundance of moles, in combination with other risk factors, almost always lead to benign skin neoplasms, which can later transform into a cancerous tumor.

Of all skin lesions, the most common papillomas and wartswhich are viral in nature. Papillomas outwardly look like bulges or growths on a pedicle, less often on a broad base. Their color can be different: from white to dirty brown. The papilloma virus can manifest itself anywhere: on the neck, under the armpits, under the breasts in women, on the eyelids, etc. Papillomas are best removed by electrocoagulation, then there are practically no traces left on the skin. It is not recommended to independently tie up papillomas with threads, cut, tear out. This can lead to inflammation and further infection.

Warts are a common problem

Star keratoma – a neoplasm on the skin that occurs in the elderly. The initial manifestations look like limited areas of hyperkeratosis, which later become dense round plaques up to one and a half centimeters in diameter and eventually become covered with dense crusts. Such skin neoplasms are localized mainly in open areas, are characterized by slow growth and, in very rare cases, become malignant.

Warts – rounded elevations of the skin, which occurred as a result of a strong growth of the surface layers of the epithelium and the underlying layer of skin. External treatment of warts with liquid nitrogen is the most common and most successful treatment.

Moles and nevi – these are limited hyperpigmented areas of the skin due to uneven accumulation of melanocytes, the bulk of them are acquired due to excessive exposure to the open rays of the sun. About half of malignant melanomas develop from melantocytes in moles and birthmarks. Therefore, if the number of moles and their size increase, the color intensity increases, consultation with an oncodermatologist or dermatologist is necessary.

A skin neoplasm such as cutaneous horn, occurs in elderly people and develops in open areas, mainly in places subject to frequent friction and squeezing. After formation, an adult tumor looks like a cone-shaped horny formation, the length of which is several times the diameter of the tumor base. Localized on the skin, red border of the lips. The course of the tumor is long, malignancy occurs quite often. Malignant neoplasms of the skin account for 7-10% of all malignant tumors. They affect people of both sexes, but people of mature age are more susceptible to them.

Melanoma is the most malignant of all skin neoplasms. The presence of congenital and acquired age spots increases the risk of melanoma, as it arises from melantocytes – pigment cells. A neoplasm on the skin is localized mainly on the lower and upper extremities. The pathogenesis of malignancy of moles and age spots is not fully understood, but their trauma, attempts to remove moles and spots with aggressive chemicals, cuts and insolation contribute to malignancy (malignancy). Self-diagnosis is of great importance in early diagnosis. Attention to your health and the health of your loved ones makes it possible to notice changes in moles, pigmentation and birthmarks in time. If skin changes occur without objective reasons, then you should be examined by a dermatologist or oncodermatologist, where, based on visual examination, histological studies and studies of the general condition of the body, the tumor-like nature of skin neoplasms will be confirmed or excluded.

There is no specific prophylaxis of oncological diseases; dermatoscopy (hardware examination) and removal of neoplasms at the initial stage of their occurrence can be attributed to preventive and preventive measures. If the skin neoplasm has a benign course or a precancerous condition, then timely intervention almost completely eliminates the possibility of relapses and corrects cosmetic defects in appearance.

The National Alliance of Dermatologists, together with La Roche-Posay, organizes

25 May 2015 years melanoma diagnostic charity day,

registration by telephone hotline 8 800 2000 to 345 May.

Clinic “Medical cosmetology” as a specialized medical institution with certified specialists, it takes part in this charity event.

Be attentive to yourself and your loved ones – and you will not have to waste your health fighting skin malignant neoplasms. Do not forget that we are always happy to help you be calm about your future.

Working hours of the regional polyclinic “Medical cosmetology”:

Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 20:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am – 16:00 pm

You can get expert advice by calling:

(831) 419-24-00, 419-85-54

Address: st. M. Gorky, 186 (next to Svoboda square)

You can ask your questions: v.cosmetology@sandy.ru

Detailed information on the website: http://vcosmetology.com

There are contraindications, consult a specialist.

License to carry out medical activities No. LO 52-01 001939 dated 09.02.2012

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