My dream is to improve the stretching and the splits for a short time? In this case your indispensable assistant can become a simulator for stretching the splits. This is a very useful sports equipment for the efficient, painless and pleasant stretching. Just put the footrest into a comfortable position and stay behind the splits while watching TV or working on laptop.
It is important to note that training on the simulator are virtually painless due to the fact that you are in a relaxed state. This is a great advantage of the training splits in the simulator, because it is well known that relaxation is the key to success and good stretching.
When you are tense and stiff, muscles and ligaments are stretched very bad. Comfortable and convenient the machine with the clamps for the legs you will be relaxed, and so progress will be much faster.
A simulator for stretching twine on: General information
Trainer for stretching the splits is a structure consisting of a seat in a chair and sliding elements, which are put feet. The basic working principle of the simulator is the following: you set the desired angle between the foot and lock it. Thus there is no displacement of the foot, and this means that your muscles adapt to the new position and stretched.
Once you feel that the current level is mastered, you can increase the angle between the legs. Fix the new position and wait for fixing the result, when your muscles are ready for more stretching. Step by step you will sit in side splits.
This will come in handy exerciser for stretching for the splits:
- those involved in dancing or gymnastics
- those who are engaged in single combats and martial arts
- those who practices yoga (asana to need a good stretch)
- for those who want to do the splits for yourself or to demonstrate their stretching
- for those who want to make their feet beautiful and toned
- those who lead an active lifestyle and sports.
- and children who go to the sports section
What is directly use of twine? Splits removes the stiffness of joints, improves the urinary system and improves circulation. In addition, while on the string stretching, you tense the muscles and improve leg shape.
And if splits is quite convenient to reach and without a trainer due to the weight of his own body, then cross the twine trainer is simply irreplaceable. The more stretching for side splits usually takes much more time than stretching for splits. Some involved noted that the forward split is obtained already after 1-2 months of regular training, and cross only after 8-12 months.
Pluses of the twine:
- Simulator twine legs comfortably and are recorded in a correct and natural position.
- Thanks to the adjustable footrest you can easily hold the maximum possible angle between the legs.
- Convenient adjustment allows the muscles to get used to the load and stretch without pain.
- A simulator for stretching twine for easy stretch alone, without the aid of a partner.
- Lessons on the simulator for stretching is convenient to combine with watching TV, reading books, Internet surfing.
- With training splits, the load is smoothly and evenly, which minimizes the risk of injuries and sprains.
- The main principle of the simulator is gradual. Fixed position => the muscles and ligaments used => increased degrees in position between the legs => fixed position => the muscles and ligaments used to….. and so on step by step to a full split.
- Regular exercises for stretching the splits helps to strengthen the muscles, make the legs more slender and beautiful.
- On some machines there is accurate progress scale, which helps to track the result.
- The training split will also be useful for correcting curvature of the tibia.
Disadvantages of a simulator for stretching:
- The cost of quality of the simulator starts from 6000 rubles, depending on the model.
- You will need a free space in the apartment to host the simulator.
- The presence of the simulator for the twine does not mean that you do not have to do. Classes on stretching should be a regular.
- Simulator for stretching not to train splits, only transverse.
With regards to the latter argument, it is worth noting that cross-training will improve the splits stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the feet, so in the future you will be able to sit down and splits. Obviously, side splits mastered much longer than the longitudinal, therefore the trainer will speed up your progress in both types of splits.
How fast can you do the splits with trainer for stretching?
Trainer for stretching the splits significantly increases your chances of the splits in the short term, but it will not happen by itself. You will have daily work, giving training at least 60 minutes, and better than 90-120 minutes if you want to achieve quick results (more than two hours you must not do, to not overwork the muscles and ligaments). Once a week to arrange a day off from stretching that the body can recover from stress.
If you’re a trainer for twine, it does not mean that you will be able to do the splits in a month. But this trainer will definitely accelerate the process of stretching of the muscles, and you can achieve your goal much faster. In addition, for stretching for side splits it is desirable to have a partner that will help stretch muscles, but if you have the simulator you can do the splits in their own home!
What determines how quickly the splits:
- age (child or adolescent to do the splits easier)
- the level of stretch (as you currently flexible and stretched)
- from genetics (different people have different stiffness of ligaments and muscles)
- from the regularity of classes (the more and harder you do, the faster you will achieve results)
- from the correctness of classes and the ability to relax in the poses of twine (stick to the principles of gradualism, regularity and regularity)
And just on the last factor of the trainer has a direct impact. Muscle relaxation and gradual progress is a decisive factor in favor of the acquisition of the simulator for the twine. If to speak about concrete terms, if the transverse stretching full splits are mastered for 1-2 months, with an average stretch for 5-6 months, with a bad stretch, you may need a year or more.
The progress in stretching is not necessarily linear. It happens that at first the progress is not visible, but gradually the mobility of joints and elasticity of muscles develops and it goes much faster. Sometimes Vice versa – good progress in the first month of stretching, and then a long stagnation. In any of these situations, the Council is only one: to continue daily training and believe in the result. It is not necessary to force and exert pressure on the ligaments, engaged in the usual pace and listen to your body.
How to perform the stretching the splits on the simulator
If you want to effectively use the machine for stretching the splits, then your training should consist of several stages:
- Exercise to warm up before stretching (warm up): 15-20 minutes
- A preparatory exercise for stretching: 15-20 minutes
- Training on the simulator splits: 30-90 minutes
Before you start doing the stretching to do the splits, be sure to warm up. Perform stretching exercises for cold muscles is not recommended! First, it is inefficient from the point of view of achieving the result, because warmed up muscles and ligaments to stretch several times better. Second, the stretching without warming up can lead to serious injury. If you damage a ligament or pull a muscle, then stretching the splits, you can forget at least for a few weeks. This will inevitably lead to serious rollback in the results.
Preparatory exercise will also help your ligaments and muscles to prepare for stretching the splits. This is especially useful for hip joints, which are very fragile. To carry out the transfer exercise is not as important as the workout, but if you want to do the splits in a month, then it is better to perform regularly.
I. Exercises for warming up before stretching to split
We offer you 7 exercises that you can perform as a warm-up before stretching the twine on the simulator. Perform each exercise for 1 minute. After performing five exercises take a rest for 1 minute and repeat all the exercises again. The total duration of the workout will be 15 minutes each 7 minutes each round, 1 minute rest between rounds.
1. Walking on the ground
2. Jumping rope
3. Walking with lead feet
4. Jumps breeding arms and legs
5. Jumping jacks with a lifting knee
6. Leg lifts
7. Running in place
II. A preparatory exercise for stretching the splits
Before you start stretching is also highly recommended to perform several lead exercises that will help you more effectively work out on the treadmill for twine. Hold each position for 1-2 minute, not forgetting the need to repeat the exercise on the right and left side. Can repeat in 2 laps.
1. Lunge in place
2. Lateral lunge
3. Butterfly
4. Garland
5. Frog
III. Stretching the splits on the simulator
After the warm-up exercises and lead you can move on to simulator training for twine. Legs apart to the sides with a special lever (good simulators for twine they are always available) and secure available you the angle between your legs. You should feel mild discomfort but no pain. Can be a slight pulling sensation in the hamstring, that’s fine, but it should not bring strong discomfort. It is better to reduce the angle between the legs and wait until the muscles and ligaments get used to the load. Stretch through the pain is not!
First time, you can use the machine for splits once a day, after 2-3 weeks increase the frequency of sessions to twice a day. It is believed that the morning stretching is more effective since the body is more stiff. On the other hand, evening stretching usually is more pleasant and easy. If you have the opportunity and you want rapid progress, it is possible to do in the morning and evening (with a warming workout you need to do always!).
The usability of the simulator for twine in the fact that you can be distracted by other things during the stretch. If for self-training you need to be constantly focused and intense, then you can sit here and go about their business, working in parallel over the twine. Of course, we cannot say that the simulator does everything for you, but it is a great tool and helper.
Trainer for stretching for the splits: how to choose
If you have decided to buy a simulator for stretching the splits, then come to this with all responsibility. The fact is that during stretching the splits are utilized are very fragile joints and tendons that are easily damaged by a careless movement. For example, the inguinal ligament, hamstrings, hips and adductors. Any, even the slightest damage will stop your workouts indefinitely. So your goal is to do the splits for a month or another short term, can not be performed. In addition, the damaged ligaments can remind myself at the slightest load even after complete healing.
Therefore, a simulator for stretching the splits should be high quality, comfortable, adjustable and durable. If the trainer convenient, it is easy to relax on it, because relaxed muscles are stretched much faster and less damaged. It is also desirable the availability of accurate school progress, thanks to which the trainer measures the angle between your feet. This will help to monitor your results and see at what stage you are in the moment.
A simulator for stretching twine at M-Flex
A simulator for stretching twine on M-Flex is one of the most popular models in the market of sports equipment with high quality and best price. Simulator M-Flex meets all requirements for convenience and performance, so stretch out on splits with him is a pleasure. Enough to put feet on the soft stops, adjust their length and backrest angle according to your convenience and you can start training.
Trainer for twine M-Flex guarantees a relaxed state, so soft and comfortable stretch.
What is the advantage of simulators M-Flex:
- Rotating footrest provide reliable and convenient fixation, which helps to keep correct posture and avoid injury.
- Length adjustment of thrust and angle of inclination of the back allows you to take a more comfortable and secure position for people of different growth.
- Due to the adjustable load provides smooth and painless stretching.
- Comfortable stretching also provides a soft padded seat and stops: it is made of quality faux leather and special materials, mitigating the load when stretching the splits.
- The mechanism of the simulator has a good margin of safety, and the frame is made of high quality durable steel. The simulator will serve you for a very long time! You will be able to do the splits, but also to maintain a stretch for many years.
- Accurate progress scale for tracking results from 0 to 10 (0 to 200 degrees) will help you to clearly control the outcome and keep track of your progress.
Should I buy a simulator for stretching your splits?
If you want to do the splits, and it’s not momentary desire, and your clear goal, you should buy a simulator for stretching the splits for three reasons. First, you stretch gently and gradually, which reduces the risk of tearing muscle fibers. Your workout will be safe and non-traumatic, unlike the classroom simulator, where there is a high risk messy, awkward movements or incorrect provisions.
Second, stretch out on the trainer nice and comfortable, so your muscles will be relaxed, and more pliable for stretching. In contrast to training without the simulator for twine, where it is very uncomfortable for a long time to be in an extended position. Thirdly, you’ll be able to stretch yourself watching your favorite movies. You do not need external pressure and retention regulations – trainer for twine will do everything for you.
Stretching is a kind of exercise that requires careful and measured approach. Here it is impossible to force the load and try to stretch harder and stronger as very easy to hurt and for a long time to forget about the twine. With the purchase of a simulator for twine, you can quickly do the splits without injury or pain.
See also:
- Top 50 exercises for buttocks at home
- Top 50 exercises for abdominal muscles at home