A simple way to increase immunity
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The approach to increasing the body’s immunity has not changed since the times of our grandmothers. A lot of exercise, a lot of sleep, a healthy diet – we will hear such slogans everywhere. But can we all afford it nowadays? Stressful work or school, sleepless nights, faster and faster lifestyle, but at the same time less and less physical activity as a result of the pandemic and progressive digitization … after all, we are not able to always take care of our health as we would like it to be. Unfortunately, this lifestyle has a negative effect on our health, and infections can get us at the least expected moment. So how do you reconcile it all? How to increase your immunity as simply as possible while remaining trapped in a fast lifestyle?

One of the simplest and effective solutions to this problem is the precise selection of substances that show maximum effectiveness in supporting the immune system. There is no room for half-measures of dubious, unproven effectiveness in this topic. Among the consumed substances directly related to the immune system, in the scientific literature, most studies and research on the effectiveness of action appear for: zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C.. The link between vitamin C and immunity was established shortly after its discovery. Its antioxidant and antihistamine action supports the immune system. According to scientific reports, vitamin C can shorten the duration of infection if it is taken regularly in the season of increased incidence. The highest efficiency in reducing the duration of the disease was achieved by people exposed to high physical exertion – e.g. athletes. Vitamin D, in turn, was once known primarily for calcium metabolism and supporting the development of the skeletal system in children. Currently, its importance is growing, among others, in the immunity segment due to numerous reports by scientists about the impact of this vitamin on the reduction of the incidence of respiratory tract infections. This is particularly important information due to the very high percentage of vitamin D deficiency in the Polish population, estimated at up to 90%. Cloudy days during the flu period should be a special signal for us to consider supplementing this vitamin. The last in the list, but probably the most important substance that has gained importance in terms of popularity, is zinc. Scientific reports linking zinc with the prevention of viral diseases, including even COVID-19, have attracted the attention of many doctors. It is indicated that zinc modulates our immune system on many levels, as a result increasing the immune response and reducing the inflammatory processes responsible for the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Additionally, zinc hinders the replication of various virus strains in our cells.

On the pharmacy market, we can find more and more complex preparations to support immunity. One of the easiest ways to support the functioning of the immune system is to regularly consume the Zincas® MAX C + D dietary supplement3, combining the high content of these 3 important substances in one small tablet. Just one easy-to-swallow tablet a day is enough to support the immune system in its proper functioning.

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