A simple test will assess the condition of your heart. If you make it in 60 seconds, it’s okay
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A quick assessment of the condition of our heart does not require medical examinations, although regular medical examinations are very important. The condition of this organ is often reflected in our overall physical condition. Therefore, the simplest stress tests, such as climbing stairs, are enough. According to Spanish doctors, the time of entering the fourth floor can tell us a lot.

  1. Circulatory diseases are the most common cause of death in Poles
  2. We can detect the risk of cardiovascular diseases while climbing the stairs. The pace at which we overcome it can tell us about the condition of the heart
  3. Remember to consult a cardiologist or GP
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

How do you check your heart condition? The stairs are enough

The condition of our heart can be confirmed not only by specific tests carried out in a doctor’s office. Sometimes an uncomplicated exercise test is enough, which can be performed under all conditions. One of them is reported by studies conducted by Spanish doctors and approved by the European Society of Cardiology.

This test is nothing more than climbing stairs. Dr. Jesus Peteiro from A Coruna University Hospital believes that if it takes more than a minute and a half to climb four flights or 60 steps, it is a sign that our heart is not in the best shape.

The study involved 165 patients with suspected coronary artery disease. The study participants first walked or ran on the treadmill, occasionally increasing the intensity of their exercise. When patients were exhausted, their exercise capacity was measured by MET.

MET or Metabolic Equivalent is used to assess the intensity of exercise.

One MET corresponds to the average energy expenditure while resting, i.e. oxygen consumption while sitting by a person weighing 70 kg. One MET is roughly one kcal / kg / hour.

Running up stairs requires 15 times more effort than doing nothing, an activity that is estimated at 15 METs.

Then the participants rested for 15-20 minutes, until they were completely “quiet”. After resting, it’s time for the actual test.

A minute and a half is too long

Patients must climb 60 steps, climbing four floors. They were not allowed to change pace, run or stop while climbing. Their time was measured by the authors of the research.

After the test was completed, the researchers looked for a relationship between the amount of MET and the time it took to climb the stairs.

Patients who climbed the stairs in less than 45 seconds achieved approximately 9-10 MET units. Other studies have previously shown that the higher the METs, the lower the risk of cardiac death. In this case, the risk is low.

In contrast, participants who took 90 seconds or more to climb the stairs had a MET level of less than 8. This in turn is associated with a higher risk of death.

The Spanish scientists in this study also monitored the heart rate while exercising on a treadmill. After the test with the stairs, it turned out that 58 percent. of the respondents, who took more than one and a half minutes to climb four levels, were found to have abnormalities in the work of the heart. For comparison – in the group who managed the stairs in less than 45 seconds, irregularities were detected in 32 percent.

The studies were conducted on a small number of people, but Dr. Jesus Peteiro emphasizes that the relationship between the time of climbing stairs and exercise capacity may apply to the entire population. Therefore, climbing stairs can give anyone an answer to the question about the current condition of the heart.

How to take care of your heart? It is not difficult, but very important

When writing about how to check the health of our health in a simple way, we cannot fail to mention how to take care of this key organ. There are many factors that can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, but the most important of them are exercise and diet.

Check how your heart works and if everything is fine with it, get blood tests that will determine important parameters of the heart and its fitness. You can buy the Heart control package – blood tests at Medonet Market.

Regularity should be the basis of your activity, rather than intensity. Each week, try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of more strenuous exercise. If you can’t find 30 minutes each day for simple exercises, try to do a few shorter series. Already climbing stairs or even walking during a phone call will let you lose some calories.

Regular activity helps to maintain a healthy weight, prevent obesity and improve the health of the circulatory system.

The diet should be high in vegetables and fruits, nuts and legumes, whole grains and those high in fiber. Oily fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, low-fat dairy products and healthy fats like olive oil are also important.

You should limit alcohol consumption, avoid excess salt and sugar, and limit saturated fat and trans fats.

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