A simple test can help detect diabetes. A glass of water is enough

A sweet taste in the mouth after drinking water may indicate that the body has trouble controlling blood sugar levels. Excess glucose can be caused by diabetes. Other than expected taste of ordinary water may also be the result of other medical conditions. What kind? Find out below.

  1. There are over 500 million people with diabetes in the world. Nearly half of them don’t even know it
  2. In Poland, there are about 3 million people with diabetes, of which a million have not yet been diagnosed
  3. Undiagnosed and untreated diabetes can lead to real havoc in the body, so pay attention to any abnormal signal
  4. Sometimes a glass of water may suffice. If its taste seems too sweet, we should check our body
  5. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

The sweet taste of water can be a sign of diabetes

When you are thirsty or have stopped exercising, a glass of water can be extremely tasty and refreshing. But it can also be a warning sign. If your tap or store-bought water seems sweet, it may be a symptom of diabetes.

In diabetes, insulin secretion and blood sugar control are disturbed. Untreated diabetes mellitus causes elevated blood glucose levels, which can cause a sweet taste in the mouth, which can sometimes be felt after a few sips of water.

  1. See also: What is conducive to the development of diabetes? An important difference between women and men

Also, complications from diabetes can cause a sweet, fruity taste and smell. These include, for example, ketoacidosis. Acidosis is a direct consequence of insulin deficiency. The body then cannot use sugar as fuel and produces energy from fats, causing the body to build up acids known as ketone bodies. As a result, you may get a sweet taste in the mouth as well as a fruity smell on the breath.

Take care of your blood sugar level by using sugar supplements, a wide selection of which can be found on Medonet Market.


Ketoacidosis is a very life-threatening complication of diabetes. It is one of the symptoms of diabetes in a person whose disease has not yet been properly diagnosed.

The sweet taste of water – what else can it show?

A sweet taste when drinking water may be related not only to diabetes or its complications. It can be the result of other diseases, viruses, taking certain medications or certain diets.

It can also result from a specific type of water. – Where I live, the water from the wells is a little sweeter. This most often has to do with higher levels of calcium and iron, writes internal medicine physician Dr. Philip Junglas on the Cleveland Clini website. The taste can also be influenced by the vessel from which we drink, especially if it has been freshly removed from the dishwasher.

At Medonet Market you can buy the MultiSure GK Ketone Measurement Device. It will help detect ketone bodies in your blood.

What else can affect the taste of water?

  1. Diet. The fruity, sweet taste in the mouth can occur in people on a low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet. The most common source of fuel in the body are carbohydrates, in their deficiency, the body burns fat, as a result of which ketosis appears
  2. Infections. Even the most common infections, such as colds, flu and sinus infections, can leave more glucose in your saliva, which will result in a sweet taste in your mouth. In these cases, the sweet taste usually disappears after the infection is healed.
  3. Neurological diseases. Nervous system damage can also produce a sweet taste in the mouth. Stroke survivors often experience disturbance of the senses, including taste and smell.
  4. Reflux. Some people with gastroesophageal reflux disease complain of a sweet or metallic taste in their mouths. It is caused by the return of stomach contents into the esophagus and into the mouth.
  5. Pregnancy. Pregnancy causes changes in the level of hormones in a woman, it also affects the position in the digestive system. This can also result in different perceptions of taste and smell.
  6. Anxieties. Certain medications may also be responsible for a sweet taste in your mouth. For example, chemotherapeutic agents influence the sense of taste.
  7. Lung cancer. Tumors in the lungs or airways, they can also disrupt your hormones and affect your sense of taste.

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