The Kremlin diet is one of the most popular weight loss diets today. It is not difficult to stick to it, since it is not “hungry”. A person who is losing weight should limit only the consumption of carbohydrate foods. When the body does not receive an additional source of energy, it begins to use its own reserves, drawing them from body fat.
Кремлевская диета предполагает употребление в пищу мяса, яиц, сыра и иных белковых продуктов. Под абсолютный запрет попадает сахар, мучные блюда, рис, картофель. Овощи и фрукты следует ограничивать.
You can increase the effectiveness of the Kremlin diet if you do not exceed the number of allowable points (conditional units) per day. The fact is that each product and dish has a certain index. You cannot exceed 60 points per day. If you do not follow this rule, then the weight will not go away. To save your own time, you can use a ready-made menu option. It is as balanced as possible and will allow you not to feel hungry throughout the day.
The proposed power supply scheme is exemplary. It can be modified at your own discretion. The main thing is not to exceed 40 points in order to effectively lose weight.
Monday. 38 points will be scored for this day
The first meal consists of a piece of cheese (1 c.u.), four fried eggs with ham (2 c.u.). As a morning drink, you can use coffee or tea. Without added sugar, these drinks are equal to 0 c.u. e.
Main meal: 150 g of mushrooms and pike perch cooked in the oven (1 c.u.), olives with squid in the form of a salad (3 c.u.). You can drink lunch with tea without sugar (0 c.u.).
До ужина можно съесть яблоко небольшого размера – 18 у. е.
In the evening, it is allowed to eat 200 g of chicken (0 c.u.), one tomato (6 c.u.) and drink a fermented milk drink without sweeteners (7 c.u.).
Tuesday. During this day, a person will gain 22 cu. e.
It is allowed to have breakfast with a portion of cottage cheese (4 c.u.), eat two boiled chicken eggs (1 c.u.) and drink unsweetened tea (0 c.u.).
For lunch, they cook a pork chop with a total weight of 100 g (0 c.u.), eat a vegetable salad with pepper and sunflower oil dressing with a total weight of 100 g (8 c.u.), drink coffee without added sugar (0 c.u. ).
Dinner consists of a 100 g baked chicken breast (0 c.u.) and 100 g of boiled cauliflower (5 c.u.). They drink tea without sugar (0 c.u.).
Wednesday. During this day, a person will gain 24 cu. e.
First meal: 100 cheese (2 c.u.), 2 boiled chicken eggs (1 c.u.) and unsweetened tea (0 c.u.).
Пообедать можно 100 г шашлыка (0 у. е.), овощным салатом с заправкой из подсолнечного масла (6 у. е.). В качестве напитка можно использовать кофе без добавления сахара (0 у. е.).
For dinner, they eat one tomato (6 c.u.), 200 g of boiled fish to choose from (0 c.u.) and drink unsweetened yogurt (7 c.u.).
Thursday. During this day, a person will gain 22 cu. e.
Breakfast should be 100 g of cauliflower salad (5 c.u.), 4 boiled sausages (3 c.u.), drink unsweetened tea 8 (0 c.u.).
Во время основного приёма пищи разрешено съесть люля-кебаб из баранины общим весом в 100 г (0 у. е.) и 150 г овощного салата с грибами (6 у. е.). Пьют несладкий кофе (0 у. е.).
Before dinner, it is allowed to have a snack with a handful of walnuts (3 c.u.). Their total weight should not exceed 30 g.
Последний приём пищи состоит из листового салата в 200 г (4 у. е.), жареной рыбы в 200 г и несладкого чая по 0 у. е.
Пятница. За этот день человек наберёт 29 у. е.
For breakfast, they eat 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of any greens (2 c.u.), drink unsweetened tea.
Во время обеда разрешено съесть жареную свиную корейку с яйцом (1 у. е.), салат с томатами и оливками (6 у. е.), выпить бокал несладкого чая (0 у. е.).
For a snack, take 30 g of peanuts (5 c.u.).
Завершить день можно 100 г сыра (2 у. е.), 200 г вареной рыбы (0 у. е.), бокалом сухого красного вина (2 у. е.), 200 г йогурта (7 у. е.).
Saturday. During this day, a person will gain 32 cu. e.
First meal: 2 fried eggs with ham (1 c.u.), 100 g of cheese (1 c.u.), unsweetened coffee (0 c.u.).
The second meal: 100 g of steak (0 c.u.), boiled squids with mayonnaise dressing (1 c.u.) and a glass of dry red wine (2 c.u.).
До ужина можно съесть яблоко.
The day should be completed with 200 g of fried fish (0 c.u.), 100 g of leaf lettuce (2 c.u.) and yogurt without sugar (7 c.u.).
Sunday. On the last day of the week, you will be able to collect 33 cu. e.
For breakfast, you can eat four boiled sausages (3 c.u.) and 100 g of squash caviar (9 c.u.).
В обед можно употребить в пищу 200 г листового салата (4 у. е.), 200 курицы, приготовленной на гриле и выпить несладкий чай по 0 у. е.
You can have a bite to eat 30 g of walnuts (4 c.u.).
You can complete your day with 100 g of tomatoes (6 c.u.), 200 g of boiled lean meat (0 c.u.) and low-fat yogurt (7 c.u.).
Menu for the week for vegetarians
The Kremlin diet is not just for meat eaters. It may well be used by vegetarians, if you use an adapted menu option. A day should not exceed 40 conventional units. If a person adheres to the Kremlin diet for a long time, then the daily ration can be brought up to 20 c.u. e.
Day of the week | First meal | Main meal | Snack | Dinner |
Day one | Green tea with one teaspoon of sugar, boiled cauliflower (150 g). | Суп овощной с добавлением мяса копченой скумбрии (60 г), 200 г фасоли и яблочный сок свежего отжима (200 мл). | Один грейпфрут. | 120 г вареных креветок, 150 вареной капусты, несладкий зелёный чай. |
Day two | 150 g stewed porcini mushrooms with zucchini and ginger tea. | Boiled flounder (150 g), sauerkraut (100 g), green tea. | 200 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice. | 200 ml of carrot juice, one cucumber, 120 g of white mushrooms. |
Day three | Apple and rosehip broth. | Boiled buckwheat (100 g), sauerkraut (70 g), boiled porcini mushrooms (70 g), green tea with sugar (teaspoon). | Ginger tea. | Cucumber. |
Day four | 150 г квашеной капусты, настой боярышника с мёдом (чайная ложка). | Steamed squid (200 g), boiled rice (60 g), green tea. | Three boiled shrimp. | Boiled perch (100 g), green peas (100 g), apple. |
Day five | Green tea, stewed cabbage (100 g), boiled shrimp (150 g). | 250 g of mushroom soup in the form of puree. | Grapefruit. | Boiled porcini mushrooms weighing 120 g and green tea with a spoon of honey. |
Sixth day | Orange juice (200 ml). | Vegetable soup (zucchini, cabbage, carrots, peas) – 200 g, ginger tea. | Кедровые орешки (40 г). | Sauerkraut 100 g, herbal tea. |
Seventh day | Mandarin, black tea with a teaspoon of sugar. | Zucchini cream soup (150 g), boiled cauliflower (80 g). | An Apple. | Sauerkraut, green tea with a teaspoon of honey, boiled shrimp (100 g). |
If you stick to the specified menu for a week, you can get rid of 3-5 kg of excess weight. To lose up to 9 kg, you need to hold out on this seven-day eating plan for another week.
[Video] Kremlin Diet Menu: