A set of exercises for the lower body

We talk about how and why to train legs and present an exercise program for the lower body

We talk about how and why to train legs, and present an exercise program.

A set of exercises for the lower body:

  • Squats with a barbell: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps, rest – 3 minutes.
  • Deadlift on straight legs: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps, rest – 3 minutes.
  • Front squats: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest – 2 minutes.
  • Hyperextension OR twisting on a fitball: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest – 2 minutes.
  • Standing calf raises: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps, rest – 3 minutes.
  • Sitting calf raises: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest – 2 minutes.

The author of this Generic Bulking Routine is Lyle McDonald, a University of California Ph.D. who has studied physiology and nutrition for over 20 years. He is a practicing coach and trains Olympic athletes. In addition, Lyle is the author of the most famous book on the carbohydrate-free keto diet, The Ketogenic Diet.

He is one of the most respected nutritionists and specialists in the American sports industry. This program is designed to train the muscles of the legs and lower body. Before you begin to perform it, read carefully about the attitude towards such training in general.

Do you need to train your legs?

Any basic leg training program recommends barbell squats. However, it has not yet been proven that squats actually affect overall muscle growth and hormonal levels. If you’re a beginner and your leg muscles aren’t very developed yet, then squats are really important. But if you play a sport that affects your legs (football, cycling, etc.), then you only need light training.

Squats or Leg Press? 

The original program recommends doing both leg presses and squats. The bench press is more traumatic: trainees often increase the load without serious reason, overload the simulator and their muscles. When doing a squat, it is much more difficult to take the wrong weight: you simply cannot squat with a barbell that is too heavy.

Weight selection

An overloaded machine or a barbell that is too heavy is a common occurrence. This approach is fundamentally wrong and leads to injury. Of course, muscles grow with increasing weight, but proper technique is much more important. Perfectly executed squats with a 40-pound barbell will give a much greater effect than the wrong form and 100 kilograms on the bar.

Machine or free weights?

The simulator is suitable for you if you have the correct technique for performing exercises. Otherwise, choose free weights.

Do I need to download spawns? 

The development of calves depends on whether you have been involved in any sport before. The calf muscles are one of the hardest to pump, and if they are weak from genetics, it will be quite difficult. But do not go too far and do not think that physical development lies in the calves. Don’t forget: an athletic silhouette is created by the upper body, not the lower body.

Keep in mind that the author of the program does not claim that these exercises are canonical and cannot be varied. He is much more concerned about the wrong technique for performing exercises and too much weight. Don’t make mistakes and learn to listen to your body. Come to the network of fitness clubs ALEX FITNESS and check this program for yourself!

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