A set of exercises for the abdomen from the Olympic champion. Video
Perform this complex three days a week for a month and a half, and then go to the mirror – you will see in the reflection the thinner belly of a real athlete.
Exercise No. 1
The home bar isn’t the most popular thing, but if you have one, don’t miss out on doing your abs.
Grasp the bar so that your hands are shoulder-width apart. The socks of the straightened legs, of course, should not touch the floor (see photo A). Slowly raise your straight legs until they are in a position parallel to the floor (photo B). Release your legs slowly. Repeat the exercise at least 6 times. If you are in good shape, try to reach the bar with your feet (photo C).
A set of exercises for the abdomen
Exercise No. 2
Pick up two 3 kg dumbbells and, lying on your back, lift them up (as shown in photo A).
Raise your legs slowly until they are perpendicular to the floor. Holding them in this position, raise your torso, trying to touch the toes of your feet with the dumbbells (see photo B). It is unlikely that you will be able to do it the first time, but after a few workouts you will achieve the result!
Exercise No. 3
The starting position is lying on your stomach, with your arms extended forward (shoulder-width apart) and straight legs.
Lift your head off the floor and look forward. Then raise your legs and remain in this position for at least 20 seconds (photo A). After that, lower your legs and raise your arms up, remaining in this position for at least 20 seconds (photo B). Finally, lift your right arm and left leg up at the same time (as shown in photo C) and make 15 good swings, changing the order of arms and legs.
Exercise lying on your stomach
Exercise No. 4
Lying on your back with arms extended along your body, lift your straight legs 8-10 cm from the floor (as shown in photo A).
Beginning to lift the torso, at the same time raise your left arm bent at the elbow up (imagine that you are a sprinter-runner), and also pull your right knee towards your chest (see photo B). Return to the starting position with your legs raised off the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Exercises for a firm abdomen
Exercise No. 5
Lying on your back, stretch your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder level. Then lift your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor (photo A).
Slowly lower your legs to the left (your back should not come off the floor!) – so that your feet on the floor end up a couple of tens of centimeters from your left hand (see photo B). After that, return your legs to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, lowering your legs this time to the right. Do 15 reps.
A set of exercises for the abdomen
Exercise No. 6
Take a barbell disc or dumbbell weighing 3 to 5 kilograms (depending on your training). Standing on the floor, hold the disc straight in front of you with your arms bent at the elbows (see photo A).
Lunge with your right foot so that your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee almost touches the floor. At the same time, rotate your upper body 90 degrees to the right (as shown in photo B). After making a turn, rise to your feet, returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, lunge this time with your left foot. Do 10 reps.
Olympic exercise for slimming belly
Exercise No. 7
Take a 3 kg bar (you can use a dumbbell instead) and lie on the bench with your knees bent.
Arms extended and raised upward should be about the width of your shoulders (as shown in photo A). Without bending your elbows, lift your upper body away from the bench, while trying to pull your arms from the bar towards the ceiling (photo B). Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
Exercises for a toned abdomen
Exercise No. 8
Take a 2kg medicine ball and, holding it at chest level, spread your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart (as shown in photo A).
Bending your knees, sit down slightly and touch the ball to your left leg (photo B). Then quickly get up and, turning to the right, throw the ball to your partner – so that your hands are at shoulder level during the throw. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
Weight Loss Ball Exercises